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[考试辅导] 金融英语信用卡

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Credit CardGranted to consumers for buying products and services but allowing delayed payment.# d7 d" i: m# p8 v" M' n
  Interest Free (Grace) PeriodA length of time the user of a credit card is entitled to credit without having to pay interest assuming prompt monthly payment.
( L  x' z/ O: T  Outstanding BalanceThe amount of debt including interest owing on a credit card* i" c& U9 Q$ d# {
  Monthly StatementA document issued on a monthly basis detailing the previous month's transactions, outstanding balance and payment due date.
7 o5 D+ q) X/ B& `* `  Credit LimitThe maximum amount of credit a bank or other lender will extend to customers on a single credit card.
( G; x+ H% G: h3 Q/ k+ T  Unsecured DebtDebt, which is not guaranteed by collateral, therefore, no assets are committed in case of default.' U. v6 E+ m* ]" u
  Cash AdvanceA cash loan taken out on a credit card. Generally cash advances do not have an interest free period.
# H- ?& c$ |9 O- N  信用卡允许客户提前购买产品和服务而后付款。8 m# x- p1 ?- V
+ f, S% L$ z& i( w  透支金额信用卡上包括利息的负债。' `; _, S5 Y, i* n  Z' h
" Q, `% m+ T& c! I, ]  信用额度银行或其他借方允许客户用信用卡透支的最高金额。$ M1 J( H* ^  r: B9 k; B
" ]0 i/ y  @# M6 R  O. p  预提现金信用卡上的现金贷款。通常提前支取现金不享受免息期。

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