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[考试辅导] 金融英语贷款拖欠管理

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Contractually ObligatedA legally binding requirement that requires a person or company to act in a particular way.$ t5 D. X: u: J
  FluctuationThe movement of something (price) from one position or level to another./ x/ n, d+ u; r, i
  ProjectionAn estimation of something that is expected to happen in the future. Usually based on current information or trends. Used in planning.
* b1 U$ g" o2 h  DedicatedSomething that is set up for a special purpose.
; K! r3 d* c  p* w  Bad DebtA loan or accounts receivable that is unlikely to be repaid.  根据合同有义务的 命令某人或某公司按特定方式办事的受法律约束的要求。
; \3 I' r% L. z. S9 b2 J  波动 某物(价格)从某一位置或水平到另一位置或水平的活动。3 p3 \# @  X( [5 L- `
  预测对将来预期要发生之事的估计。通常基于当前的信息或趋势。用于制订计划。& j  s6 M! k+ {1 e' O8 K
  专门的 专为某一特定目的而准备的东西。% P" _( W& N; B% ?
  坏账 不太可能偿还的应收账款或贷款。

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