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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语:证券英语常用词汇(九)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ a: h! s. M9 `  qualified corporation 合资格法团
( w; K. ?  n9 O2 U; Q  qualified lender 合资格借出人
; j4 u9 W$ I% \# T  qualified overseas schem 合资格海外计划
0 e1 d" D/ a6 Y* f5 I* {  qualified shares 合资格股份 ; V; g  ~4 ?+ P: ~; [
  qualifying client 合资格客户
5 S2 v( v! k7 ]. T* X2 @0 k% D  qualifying credit rating 合资格信贷评级
% b1 b- X8 X* e# v5 ^/ n  qualifying debt securities 合资格债务证券
2 `! [/ U+ ?  q7 W. |% Z# ~  ranking liabilities 认可负债 - ?' P  [, Y# {; v3 p- Y, v6 ^7 t- a4 k
  recipient 接收人 3 H; E. p- g/ B; l, Y3 z, u
  reckless misrepresentation 罔顾实情的失实陈述 * U9 M+ p. ~0 |
  recognized certificate 认可证书 0 J* x. b6 i. V' x8 s3 i
  recognized certification authority 认可核证机关
" Y" i% V4 I) n" Z' p  recognized clearing house 认可结算所
$ V, \! b( {7 L: H  recognized counterparty 认可对手方
0 f% ?' T# W$ b  recognized exchange company 认可交易所 9 r8 [+ j* b8 F3 X2 Y
  recognized exchange controller 认可控制人 " S9 \, d$ N' }& [
  recognized futures market 认可期货市场 ! ~) B) [1 d* K7 _0 \
  recognized investor compensation company 认可投资者赔偿公司
: Z2 O. z' a2 H! j3 b  recognized occupational retirement scheme 认可职业退休计划 ' ^% n' W  N" T+ v% S% X+ v8 L
  recognized stock market 认可证券市场 " W+ `+ \6 l7 C/ v
  record 纪录 1 F5 l: W; |# p! w8 Y% J
  redeemable shares 可赎回股份
! m4 i8 v2 J, x" m( M6 c% m  register of companies 公司登记册
' Y/ }* v! z/ ^- m- S5 E  register of directors' and chief executives' interests and short positions 董事及最高行政人员权益及淡仓登记册
" M  `5 d/ K% @$ ?  register of interests in shares and short positions 股份权益及淡仓登记册 , e1 Q% H4 U0 M0 E  C" O, v! K
  registered 注册
8 r) N) w$ O" ^( T6 H  registered company 注册公司
, N) _% `- d+ Q: ]  registered institution 注册机构
; A1 o0 R; u' c  Registrar of Companies 公司注册处处长
( c# h. @0 E" V! m3 I8 t6 L9 b  registration 注册

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