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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语:法律文件中的长句如何翻译(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
按原句的结构顺序翻译  $ e" ?4 w  W9 r- n6 l9 l! X0 e
  (a)Each of the Shareholders shall exercise all voting rights and other powers of control available to it in relation to the Company so as to procure (so far as it is able by the exercise of such rights and powers) that at all times during the term of this Agreement, the provisions concerning the structure and organisation of the Company, and the regulation of its affairs set out in this Agreement, are duly observed and given full force and effect, and all actions reserved and given full force and effect, and all actions required of the Shareholders under this Agreement are carried out in a timely manner, and in particular (but not in derogation of the generality of the foregoing), that any meeting of the Board and every general meeting of the Company has the necessary quorum throughout and is conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, and shall execute and do and procure all other third parties, if necessary, to execute and do all such further acts, deeds, assurances and things as may be reasonably required so that full effect may be given to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.    j2 H- r, M  e! w) Z8 j5 t
  各股东应应其具有的与公司相关的所有表决权和其他控制权,以保证(就通过行使该等权利和权力可以保证而言)在本协议期限内任何时候,关于公司结构和组织的规定和本协议规定的公司事务的管理规则得到遵守并具有完全的效力,本协议项下要求股东采取的一切行动均已及时采取,告别是(但不得损害前述一般性原则)公司的任何董事会会议和每一次股东大会自始至终达到必需的法定人数,且根据本协议的规定召开,而且应签署和执行,并在必要时保证所有其他第三方签署和进行可能合理要求的一切进一步行动、契约、保证和事宜,以使本协议的条款和条件可以具有完全的效力。  7 [. f4 |* p6 q" F3 |- ^6 P
  这个句子中,主语有两个并立的谓语+宾语的动宾词组:shall exercise all voting rights and other powers of control和shall execute and do and procure all other third parties, if necessary, to execute and do all such further acts, deeds, assurances and things,而且紧随其后又都是表示目的的状语。翻译也是按原句的这一基本结构进行的。  
+ H3 `- W0 y/ b$ H* v$ {* b  (b)If in any case Party A, after having become bound to transfer any Shares and Loans pursuant to the provisions of this Clause X to Party B or a third party, shall fail or refuse to do so, the Company Secretary or any other person appointed by the Board shall be deemed to have been irrevocably authorized by Party A, with full power to execute, complete and deliver, in the name and on behalf of Party A, transfers of the Board may then register the purchaser or its nominee as holder of the Shares and issue to the purchaser or its nominee (as the case may be) a certificate of the same, and thereupon, Party A shall be bound to deliver up the certificates for the Shares, and upon such delivery, shall be entitled to receive the purchase price therefore without interest.  
9 x; `6 ]7 D: K5 h# X6 U
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+ e! }, E9 T, ~' N  如果甲方应有义务根据本条规定向乙方或第三方转让任何股份或贷款,而甲方却未进行或拒绝进行转让,公司秘书或董事会委派的任何其他人应被视为经甲方不可撤消的授权,有全权在购买人向公司支付购买价款后,以甲方的名义并代表甲方签署、完成并向购买人交付股份和贷款转让证,而后董事会将购买人或其指定的人登记为股份持有人,并向购买人或其指定的人(视情况而定)签发股权证,据此,甲方有义务交付股权证,交付后则有权获得不计利息的购买价款。  
+ n; X7 t. H8 ^; a  上面的译文基本上也是按原句的顺序编排的,只有其中的一个状语against payment of the purchase price therefore to the Company 根据汉语时间状语的习惯位置向前推移了一步。

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