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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导:英汉对照法医法律术语D

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
D   dactyloscopy 指纹法
" P6 p1 x, ?* _; h; f  death 死亡 dead body 尸体1 \4 a* ^. x  Q9 F
  death certificate 死亡证明 death diagnosis 死亡诊断" k" o3 i& `. }8 M
  death due to trussing up 捆绑死
7 v+ V0 M/ V- O3 a) q; S  death form hanging 缢死(系将绳索等套在颈部,利用体重下垂,使绳索压迫经颈部而引起窒息死亡)6 b3 \2 |# {8 \8 x' r9 T6 d, e8 f" B
  death from ageing 老衰死
  C6 v8 z* F8 g; V/ D  death from burn 烧死
( w& S! \  t6 b5 H2 e! u% A9 Y  death from cold 冻死
) I" h$ \0 z8 \3 L. x  death from cruelty 待死
; j: \: O$ l. F7 o! X" ~0 ]  death from drowning 溺死(因水或其他液体吸入 吸道和肺泡而引起窒息死亡)
: Q' L2 [% `; }# E+ z  death from electricity 电击死6 B$ R# w- ^( Q
  death from hanging 吊死
+ k- t: i( Q4 h' g; L$ t  death from lightning 雷击死
# }8 F) b$ I; i; g2 {  death from manual strangulation 死(用手 在颈部而引起的窒息死亡). q3 E% C& x! @% u
  death from neglect 遗弃死
- `- m' X5 Z& S: h- B$ f: k  death from pinch 掐死(见death from manual strangulation )
( M' w; M( l: Y/ Y9 a& E  death from scald 烫伤
( Y' w  Y" w/ w; D, P8 J1 k& j  death from starvation 饿死
1 n7 n' R% E1 R+ y: w  death from strangulation by ligature 勒死(系将绳索等环绕颈部,用手的力量或某种机械的作用,使绳索绞勒颈项而引起的窒息死亡); L, H  _7 q0 j# V
  death from manual stangulation throttling 扼死. @- K4 s: u$ u* g
  death from manual stangulation timing of trauma 损伤时间推断% @- ]' K4 x+ h( U' K
  death from manual strangulation strangulation mark 勒沟4 I* }/ j( {+ P6 F- M
  death from manual strangulation masochism 受虐癖 以接受异性虐待痛苦而得到性满足。* I- n( H% w( V2 O1 X: f
  decapitation 断头术
- B. Z  R2 D3 q# |6 p  deception 诈病,欺骗
+ D& i# _' P  r0 \; h- i* G4 H8 u6 I
) M9 n8 n6 k* I, _: ^$ N" F8 M  decompose to bony skeleton 白骨化(尸体软组织因腐败最后溶解消失,仅剩骨骼和毛发的症状)

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:13 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  defence wound 防卫伤1 Z9 _7 o! a6 C1 ^! V- Z+ I
  defloration 处女膜破裂;破贞+ A* x1 b( H0 q
  deformity 畸形
: s$ F$ Y- S# V& f$ I9 J/ ?  delayed postmortem phenomena 晚期尸体现象(死后24小时以后的一些特有尸体现象,如腐败,白骨化等,)
( p* O9 a( f2 `. w5 e  dental identification 牙齿鉴定4 P/ s) t* @. ~4 q* q1 A- W
  dentistry odontology 齿科学9 V4 w/ w4 H: G' f. g* o7 P7 m
  determination of sex 性别鉴定
& U2 f5 g. v1 s( k7 o4 Q  diagnosis 诊断
4 ?& z" c0 s+ ~: a% j( H8 z  diatom 硅藻
% b/ u. L" X; r6 |) m7 |  differential diagnosis 鉴别诊断+ [2 l0 J; P0 b" {1 t8 i" c
  direct cause of death 直接死因6 w2 P6 l5 Z: J8 b+ y; t2 F  O
  disease 疾病& [4 w8 d' d2 P; z( }5 J* i6 d
  disability evaluation 残疾评定/ U3 D1 X4 Q3 {& N) ^, @
  disablement 残废
7 I7 {# ?. \7 n+ N: p9 W  disfigurement 毁容
) T5 `- j7 o7 [% I1 X; ~  disintigration of the body 肢体断碎
0 N# T8 t- w- {  Y9 `4 `+ r# q  disquise 假装,伪装9 F; G# q+ i! l# {8 W2 b6 X
  fislocation 脱位
' {& |) f/ J+ j3 V( Q" V4 b; v$ V  dismembered body 碎尸
; X5 S) ]. q( h: I" E6 b  dissimulation 匿病(隐匿疾病)
0 p0 B$ k* e5 b  document examination 文件检验0 ]4 V# g! n: ?% T
  documentary evidence of medicolegal expertise 法医学鉴定书( n! y5 r2 P: K9 W1 N* ^9 a; v% b  V( F
  drown 淹死 drug abuse 滥用药物
! z2 k' y- C: @* a  F1 u  dry drowning 干型溺死( 见atypical drowning)
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