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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语:诉讼法律英语词汇大全(六)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  共同管辖  concurrent jurisdiction- x+ r1 A% Z& l
  管辖  jurisdiction
! _" X' \( \( H6 j, S0 a  国际司法协助  international judicial assistance
9 ?2 y% K3 c# c, c  海事法院  maritime court
. j' M# r. W# O0 g  合议庭  collegial panel# H6 U% q3 B* }: H( ~5 B) u9 |
  合议庭评议笔录  record of deliberating by the collegiate bench
* F4 w' [% d/ A. T" o* e$ q  和解  composition; compromise, Q" y( b4 y) i" B9 f
  核对诉讼当事人身份  check identity of litigious parties& }0 n9 r9 ~/ h9 l! G2 @
  恢复执行  resumption of execution6 P/ v7 w& ^) [: \6 O+ @
  回避  withdrawal
1 ~- _/ d' z0 g5 Z  @  混合式诉讼  mixed action
4 O: N1 z/ Q- [& ]. ~$ X  基层人民法院  basic People's Court
/ z3 \5 h1 [( a0 h( l  羁押期限  term in custody5 L6 l- Z; @5 h; L
  级别管辖  subject matter jurisdiction of courts at different levels
" g. t- n, e+ W" V  监视居住  living at home under surveillance/ }; i/ t" T4 N
  监狱  prison
  ~$ W0 r% h: ~& ]6 R  检察官  procurator
. k' l2 G9 B/ f. t- {2 O8 b  检察权  prosecutorial power9 v! a: y# ^1 |$ W7 L; G1 L
  检察委员会  procuratorial/prosecutorial committee
# s, L# t" ]! e) h: ]2 S  检察院  procuratorate: l/ u  \( c/ O' m) `% B
  检察院派出机构  outpost tribunal of procuratorate$ s+ x5 S; s7 B; h  |" t" d; z
  简易程序  summary procedure0 e$ r7 S% X( Z+ B: Q: Y9 `
  鉴定结论  expert conclusion
  n8 x: ^: f# z* w; s' ]! v# Z  经济审判庭  economic tribunal/ g) c  S1 d  ?7 y6 Y1 |" Q1 s# b
  径行判决  direct adjudication without sessions; judgement without notice
4 U9 W! g$ {" N/ @; b. u  纠问式诉讼  inquisitional proceedings
: D: G! \# l# h9 d  拘传  summon by force; summon by warrant( q/ x5 x8 I* j" v& }) K/ h
  拘留所  detention house

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