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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语:诉讼法律英语词汇大全(八)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  申请人  applicant; petitioner1 y; X" t, ~0 a( K, E& M
  申请书  petition; application for arbitration- N; ]- g! ]; {
  申请执行人  execution applicant6 @/ x% k1 r6 x5 o; Z" D+ K, S' Y' z  W
  申诉人宣誓书  claimant's affidavit of authenticity, a& g7 ?( b$ s, }
  申诉书  appeal for revision; petition for revision. \; |8 p- w$ ^! z7 Q9 j, }/ b
  神示证据制度  system of divinity evidence
2 U6 L- \( f1 s+ z  神示制度  ordeal system
/ q7 h7 h( M% Y  审查案件  case review+ s9 j( v0 |; x. E0 c3 M0 C
  审查并决定逮捕  examine and decide arrest$ [& e! k! X; d6 v
  审查起诉阶段  stage of review and prosecution% e$ Q$ I4 \- t9 o
  审理通知书  notice of hearing
! ]" `1 M3 Z% ^& q+ n  审判长  presiding judge2 }: f& O+ S$ v% o
  审判长宣布开庭  presiding judge announce court in session
2 Q$ A5 r1 }8 N0 K" m  审判管辖  adjudgement/trial jurisdiction+ o0 m' n! g0 n# e" k# a
  审判监督程序  procedure for trial supervision
$ f9 v! Y' ?. Z" n2 }$ M  审判委员会  judicial committee
) t. T. @, ]4 s9 L2 V# i0 }& i  审判员  judge
" \+ H( f' l, P  审问式诉讼  inquisitional proceedings
1 x! O! M8 q# R, t, u  生效判决裁定  legally effective judgement/order
: t5 r% H0 y( ^! k! d  胜诉方  winning party* z. _" K7 A. ]2 ?
  省市自治区检察院  higher People's Procuratorate
# n6 L6 V! {. c3 x' Q/ o1 F6 b  失踪和死亡宣告  declaration of disappearance and death
: u3 [0 l8 q2 ^  实(质)体证据  substantial evidence
0 T7 D% ~7 J4 F4 T  实物证据  tangible evidence
0 L) a9 }9 k* j% `  实在证据  real evidence; C4 f8 }3 a* J: s
  示意证据  demonstrative evidence
) d: O) g  H& e  视听证据  audio-visual evidence
7 z7 p; J* u+ m- j6 k  收容所  collecting post; safe retreat
( M! w) K# R3 S/ Y- u1 ~# C  首席大法官  chief justice
$ m" A  A" h8 `4 r, D% H  首席检察官  chief procurator

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:13 | 显示全部楼层


  受害人的近亲属  victim's immediate family
4 F; {" i/ d' p1 T- ?  受理  acceptance
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:14 | 显示全部楼层


  受理刑事案件审批表  registration form of acceptance of criminal case
+ v- K# d( _5 j  受送达人  the addressee
5 T; A/ a0 b9 C% x' r" e* s  书记员  court clerk
6 r, ]( y0 {( i7 I  书记员宣读法庭纪律  court clerk reads court rules& w. v3 v2 t; v- k
  书证  documentary evidence
9 f+ M" h8 Q/ j$ [0 y! j  司法部  Ministry of Justice0 ?  q( l2 y6 w: z9 Q! t0 h. w
  司法机关  judicial organizatons
3 F% v9 _% F% ~4 \, _# C, c  司法警察  judicial police
0 n) g& V  y/ k2 E4 L; Z* [$ O- e  司法局  judicial bureau
/ v3 e+ s1 n" B& L  司法厅  judicial bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions, and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government8 x% M" p8 g1 q2 ^  B/ w
  司法协助  judicial assistance
, y* i1 J; [0 j, p& H3 M- k( n  死缓的复核  judicial review of death sentence with a retrieve" l- v$ ^. B1 r
  死刑复核程序  procedure for judicial review of death sentence
) t- q4 J: [# R1 ]5 U  死刑复核权  competence for judicial review of death sentence( d8 r* X+ [4 e
  送达  service of process1 w( j5 F1 O; ~" u/ o
  送达传票  service of summons/subpoena
; d& n4 P& D. N* E" ]  送达诉状  service of bill of complaint
5 R2 ]) [2 W3 q; i3 u' C& E9 W1 M  搜查  search
) i$ J9 L5 c1 |% `8 ]  诉  sue; suit; action; lawsuit1 Q& ?% ~& W/ t+ v  k4 w
  诉前财产保全  property attachment prior to lawsuit
; @, k3 R& w' C1 S, l8 `  诉讼  litigation; lawsuit; sue; action
4 g8 ~( Q& ^$ F  诉讼保全  attachment
; X8 i0 [9 \' ?" f4 P6 d8 ^  诉讼参加人  litigious participants
  \" J4 {; B1 T# |& b* b  诉讼代理人  agent ad litem
& d3 Z/ M  i- k( o' B# u  诉状  complaint; bill of complaint; state of claim, ]$ c1 T+ Q+ s* g8 G( h+ S0 Q
  特别程序  special procedures" I; P* A, r3 b. {/ \
  提起公诉  institute a public prosecution
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