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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语:诉讼法律英语词汇大全(十)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  应诉通知书  notice of respondence to action
- h; b9 F2 N+ K4 w; ?  有罪判决  sentence; finding of “guilty”
$ D9 a; Y$ m% @" i* L% ^! g  予审  preliminary examinantion; pretrial
! U# [9 H: e% k4 S  原告  plaintiff
9 B! X! R* s6 D# k6 L  院长  court president- f. @* q: p  O0 _# `2 t/ x7 L3 R
  阅卷笔录  record of file review (by lawyers)
$ R1 e: X; y1 G  @4 j) A- O! i  再审案件  case of retrial
8 }8 I# f1 ~7 Y9 q) K9 D  再审申请书  petition for retrial
* @; d0 L+ n4 A  责令具结悔过  order to sign a statement of repentance
0 k" m3 l: }& w" a- h  债权人会议  creditors' meeting
! @( S0 s( [: h! t7 v4 ?  侦查阶段  investigation stage
* W, x, w  b- m; F# U% Z  侦查终结  conclusion of investigation
- A; B% f! u6 P  _, |4 ]" w1 E2 m  征询原、被告最后意见  consulting final opinion of the plaintiff and defendant
' @3 v! t7 U2 T0 r8 |7 X( u$ |. z  证据  evidence
+ s7 y5 q/ G; M8 K  证据保全  preserve evidence
" b. p. z! `) ^1 Z6 X* R' w& X2 F  证据保全申请书  application for evidence preservation
3 Y( L' y/ c2 [- O0 P) x  M  证人证言  testimony of witness; affidavit
2 N" z& n, h# s+ J! L2 ]  支付令  payment order/warrant! I6 q; s$ C3 R; m9 T/ ?. p1 Z  u! S
  知识产权庭  intellectual property tribunal/ y5 E# c) `: w5 Z
  执行程序  procedure execution! q* H/ R* _, k  q, z
  执行逮捕  execution of arrest
8 G% \# d: z# a; l8 t  执行和解  conciliation of execution+ n' _! V+ S5 S- U; V0 a
  执行回转  recovery of execution3 ^1 c4 u: l9 v6 _0 `* @! X
  执行庭  executive tribunal
+ }3 \& A- M4 c7 h: B  执行异议  objection to execution9 Q" Q4 S9 L7 |5 U% I
  执行员  executor6 f8 \) @: q- Q( G) Z4 @
  执行中止  discontinuance of execution
4 O8 J7 D; x  ?5 c+ {5 e  执行终结  conclusion of execution( D+ t6 a, q5 v
  指定辩护  appointed defense- x; K8 f( \) k8 v6 {# V$ _
  指定仲裁员声明  statement of appointing arbitrator
$ ?& B+ O6 q0 b% d  中级人民法院  intermediate People's Court) X; x# p& w* b; O/ h9 i
  中途退庭  retreat during court session without permission
% c6 H- @( x: C. g/ v. S- a# K: U/ q  仲裁  arbitration3 d" {" S# S; E. `$ p
  仲裁被诉人  respondent; defendant6 c4 f& k( x3 @* w6 o' l3 s; u
  仲裁裁决  award, K% t. j2 {, p
  仲裁申请书  arbitration
, t6 N4 v' `& ~" b! g  仲裁申诉人  claimant; plaintiff+ c$ I7 i4 J" l. W) \% L
  仲裁庭  arbitration tribunal, R9 F8 f3 ^- K1 L  L: S
  仲裁委员会  arbitration committee# r5 Z1 T3 e, l6 c. [% y: k0 S
  仲裁协议  arbitration agreement; clauses of arbitration
& T; Y0 J, J% m  Y0 C! o  仲裁员  arbitrator2 b! l% M9 D. W' ^
  主诉检察官  principal procurator  _- J: d$ C. \1 J) J7 o
  助理检察官  assistant procurator& g  Q- A2 p5 p, U2 I
  助理审判员  assistant judge# \' y* T3 z$ K! V0 P6 [
  专门法院  special court
+ w+ e9 c. O1 h+ ^  专门管辖  specific jurisdiction
9 g& [: I1 x0 h# ^4 N+ W  专属管辖  exclusive jurisdiction
' t6 H1 v: r4 ~9 E, H  追究刑事责任  investigate for criminal responsibility
2 d1 `, @4 I0 @" J  自首  confession to justice9 {  u  ?4 \, o( J5 K+ @
  自诉案件  private-prosecuting case5 l- c% |" i& K2 J3 o& c0 j
  自行辩护  self-defense
( g3 m+ S% a) T/ p8 ^  自由心证制度  doctrine of discretional evaluation of evidence  Z+ V. g+ J8 B1 R! V5 H
  自侦案件  self-investigating case- f6 M& y+ W$ Y( T; ^
  最高人民法院  the Supreme People's Court" r; _  B$ g4 V/ E5 J& \
  最高人民检察院  the Supreme People's Procuratorate
- i0 v! Q- F6 Y" B2 f6 P  最后裁决书  final award

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