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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导:法律美国离婚申请书格式

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ Q( ?, }% P; d( c  离婚申请6 w: k* }$ a0 z6 e4 z4 t# C
  罗得岛州普罗维登斯天启种植园& a1 L5 I4 d' N. c
) i7 M0 a+ ~- W8 f  谨代表,玛丽安?斯汀生????布朗, 普罗维登斯县普罗维登斯人,她居于该县并曾为该州定居居民且在提出该申请前已经居住满两年;并且,现为该州定居居民;并且,她于公元19——年9月25日与托马斯?雷?布朗,即其目前的丈夫结婚;婚后恪尽妇道履行婚约中的全部义务;但是,托马斯?雷?布朗却违背上述婚约义务;并且已出现导致婚姻不可挽救之破裂之不可调和的分歧。
' e0 M9 a4 r! O  因此,申请人请求本法院发布令状解除其与托马斯?雷?布朗之间的婚约。( k) H9 d! q" |" |9 F
  本件于公元19——年5月13日在罗得岛州普罗维登斯县本人面前签署并被宣誓保证为真实3 i% [" E2 n8 t% ]
  英文:7 \" p1 v! g7 m$ ~- t
$ i  O- \: x$ ?& p3 M- q  STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE# e1 k+ R! s( [& C# f
  To the Honorable Family Court, next to be holden at Providence, within the County of Providence, on the first Monday of June A.D.19——.+ b! Z+ L/ Y4 w1 B
  Respectfully Represents, MARIAN STINSON BROWNE of Providence in the County of Providence that she resides in said County, and has been a domiciled inhabitant of said State and has resided therein for more than two years next before the preferring of this petition and is now a domiciled inhabitant of said State; that she was married to THOMAS RAY BROWNE. Her present husband on the twenty-fifth say of September A.D.19——, and hath ever since on her part demeaned her self as a faithful wife and performed all the obligations of the marriage covenant; but that the said& e* v; `' j- Y$ ^$ P- J7 Y) V
  THOMAS RAY BROWNE hath violated the same on this; that/ O1 @3 M0 Y2 M4 z; c
  There are irreconcilable differences, which have caused the irremediable breakdown of the marriage.1 a0 E2 j+ M1 B: G5 \% l
  Wherefore your petitioner prays that a decree of this Court may be made divorcing her from the bond of Marriage, and from the said THOMAS RAY BROWNE.
. g/ d6 k* w4 F$ {. g7 h1 E$ V  Subscribed and sworn to before me at Providence in the County of Providence in said State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, this thirteenth day of may A.D.19——.
2 B- i  v- R% o  ------------------3 p7 V% D3 X7 N; k6 X/ Y3 v+ |
  Justice of the Peace

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