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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导:UsefulWordsandExpressions(6)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  民事责任  civil liability
, C" ?* |& d: k- M( P7 ?+ y  不履行法律责任  omission
; V2 F; B+ B! P( ~6 w  共同连带责任  joint and separate responsibility0 k# t5 Y8 _0 H
  完全责任  full liability
9 N1 L1 e. f* l3 h" s) }, m  侵权责任 liability for tort
5 B. K' N# m6 b- C  连带责任  joint liability9 C: ?1 a) O# w- b$ }) Y
  财产责任  property liability% J* M; F& ^1 R6 r4 x& h7 _3 a
  过失责任  fault liability
/ `3 q" {1 M( G3 Y  c8 G  替代责任  vicarious liability
/ j5 g* t0 N- a) J* Z, A3 m  无限责任  unlimited liability
/ {2 y6 ~- Q2 {1 {! l$ c  单独责任  solitary liability9 b: Q; N; @$ T) p! q2 Y1 a/ s1 t1 f
  道德责任  moral obligation# l1 e& N  s8 P6 G
  监护责任  liability of guardian& ^  O& ~7 Q( ]
  严格责任赔偿  strict liability

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