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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导:业务代表雇用合约同意书

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  业务代表雇用合约同意书3 _# V) M7 n. D5 l4 ]1 y+ p1 \
0 \" T7 K  R/ l7 r$ }9 n  业务代表同意下列事项:
) Y3 L0 H, S$ J$ N  l、本业务代表代表公司在_____________________地理区域销售公司产品。. W8 M+ A) b/ x' D. \. C# y" T: w
- w. M; b( F& D7 p1 g  3、立即寄送在该地区所收集到的所有订单及商情给公司。  b2 o9 _$ c- a3 }- `
  4、立即通知销售主管所有在其负责的销售地区发生且涉及本公司的任何问题或消息。& @: e: e" l. q* r+ B" @) m
  5、如果业务代表正在代理或准备代理其它公司的产品,必须立即通知其直属销售主管。任何状况下均不允许本公司的业务代表在其负责销售地区内或外代理本公司竞争厂商或其任何相关产品。# H1 T; \2 e0 ~
  6、经常打电话回公司报告并讨论其负责销售地区的销售活动及进展。, I! @/ k1 T! H1 s
3 L2 b3 c" \0 g7 d& d  8.、若双方任一方欲终止此合约,业务代表应立即归还所有公司提供的资料及产品样品。6 f- r* r3 L8 X) K6 P% R2 j- ~
  公司同意下列事项:$ g- ^2 y0 Z: p! o2 z  i& z/ l% K
  1、 公司将按下列百分比支付业务代表销售佣金:
7 q5 h: y) [" L" @  (a) _____________ %的所有预付款销售金额,但计算百分比不含下面第4条的项目。1 Q( Z/ B0 r& P- m0 f
  (b) _____________ %的所有信用贷款的销售金额,但计算百分比不含下面第4条的项目。
) T* O  B% r- J: |  2、 事先谈妥所有订单的销售佣金百分比,包含公司同意的数量折让或其它交易折扣。
, e& N' z( h& a+ o( I9 K  3、 若客户退货或赔偿客户损失,己发给的销售佣金将在下一次佣金发放金额中扣除。
" z/ v9 t0 L, _& ^9 _  4、 除有特殊交易安排,下列项目将不列入销售金额中计算佣金:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________0 e- ^6 m+ y& J; E$ F; g  {
  5、 公司提供销售代表足够的名片、产品宣传小册子、产品名录价格及与该销售代表销售有关的产品样品。2 ~* R7 k  G- e1 H+ I$ D
  6、 与销售代表洽商每月最低销售配额。
: m5 H9 O$ a$ |( ~, V6 s! {  7、 公司有意终止本合约,应给业务代表三十天的预告通知。
7 l: M! U/ X6 i- W9 i/ G' a, R  8、 在任何一方终止此合约后_______( )月,公司才会将该代表负责销售的客户所获取的佣金结清。! }7 F  A! C  B; [7 h
  9、 本合约包含全部合约同意内容。
+ |* R1 O  k$ ^% G: }  10. 本合约将约束签约双方及其继承人及指定人。$ H2 @7 z3 ?% T, i4 r- z  \  S" h! j
  公司代表人__________________ 曰期___________________7 C! Z% k! b& C) @5 N9 \/ `- _
  业务人__________________ 曰期___________________1 f- U! F9 C$ q; V3 h8 ~2 ]
  见证人__________________ 曰期___________________
5 X" R9 C4 i5 u8 p" u& r* {  }  英文:6 j- E' N% G, D5 r
, r- M6 Y- F& H- j, h! [' u  Agreement between_____________________________(Company) and ____________________________(Sales Representative).
, f  F; T, W8 J  M: D# K! x  Sales Representative agrees to:  p8 F. X. e: b7 E" g5 H
  1. Represent and sell the Company's _________ products/services in the geographic area of _________________________.
. N& n+ ~. |1 R* x) p9 w" U: f  2. Accurately represent and state Company policies to all potential and present customers.3 l# W8 ?0 p" ~$ m
  3. Promptly mail in all leads and orders to the Company.9 m3 E! D3 w0 L1 U# l# ^, r" ?
  4. Inform the sales manager of all problems concerning Company customers within the sales territory.8 B: a$ R$ B' v* s
  5. Inform the Sales Manager if the Sales Representative is representing, or plans to represent any other business firm. In no event shall sales representative represent a competitive company or product line either within or outside the designated sales area.+ x) z" [0 J' p# i/ I6 C
  6. Telephone the Company with reasonable frequency to discuss sales activity within the territory.
# d* v0 m* Q# \7 _) a  K  6. Provide company 30-days' notice, should the Representative intend to terminate this agreement.; {* S- O; a$ v! W* I
  8. Return promptly all materials and samples provided by the Company to the Representative, if either party terminates this agreement.. j6 _2 R# y) }4 V+ L
  The Company Agrees to:0 r/ |5 Y0 `. v4 _; M; X* Q/ \
  1. Pay the following commissions to the Sales Representative: (a)__________percent of all prepaid sales, except as stated in (4) below. (b)__________percent of all credit sales, except as stated in (4) below.
+ q" R) D( ^. X  2. To negotiate in advance of sale commissions percentage to be paid on all orders that the Company allows a quantity discount or other trade concession.! ^1 ]6 H" B4 u% V/ ?
  3. Commissions on refunds to customers or merchandise returned by the customer in which a commission has already been paid to the Representative shall be deducted from future commissions to be paid to the Representative by the Company.
6 b$ P* E( C+ ?: e$ s" F, U- Y
% @5 I4 W! Q+ y, k# r' D  4. Except by special arrangement, the following shall not be commissioned: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:13 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  5. To provide the Sales Representative with reasonable quantities of business cards, brochures, catalogs, and any product samples required for sales purposes.  _& f6 l  [  s& }
  6. To set minimum monthly quotas after consultation with the Sales Representative.6 @( l& R( f! @9 l
  7. To grant Representative 30-days' notice should the Company wish to terminate this agreement.
, q0 A  f9 \+ w) U" Y; ^6 k  8. To pay commissions to the Representative on sales from existing customers for a period of ____________ ( ) months after this agreement is terminated by either party.
! E3 [, j8 B" a- K7 h5 B  9. This constitutes the entire agreement.
+ e2 B6 ~7 P% G# L  10. This agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their successors and assigns.
  O. O% F) K# t! I/ i. w' ~: h  Signed this_______day of__________month , 20____.
8 Q. @- f, D; M# F" f; e+ a  _____________________ _______________________ Company Sales Representative
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