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[FECT高级考试] FECT高级考试词汇辅导:常用保险英语词汇

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  insure                  保险;投保;保证! R+ d9 z: ~, N. B! \# }" W9 p3 k
  insurance               保险;保险费;保险金额
- l7 Y1 I9 \% `  underwriters            保险商(指专保水险的保险商)保险承运人
, f' s6 ]; t& ~, Z1 F  insurance company       保险公司
% T& [, h" \1 A6 i. |+ f  insurer                 保险人
! I9 P- @* O0 o& Q- n: |% {  insurance broker        保险经纪人
, ^0 G; V% Q9 {% |. Z1 ]  insurance underwriter   保险承保人
: ~( k6 |- Q" r& F( [! A/ W  insurance applicant     投保人
3 a. I9 k, n! g6 |$ T2 s6 ^4 ^* r  insurant, the insured   被保险人,受保人
/ n7 o# J3 m& g0 X$ O  to cover (effect,arrange,take out) insurance 投保
% Y7 T- F# z3 o: E! T& d  insurance coverage;risks covered 保险范围
- t% i" E2 c# C7 `8 e7 x8 P  insurance slip          投保单6 h! S/ b" @: h; O6 m
  insured amount          保险金额
% Y3 y4 E, _+ z  insurance against risk  保险/ R  }2 n) R: i6 x/ p/ H5 [
  insurance clause        保险条款3 [; q3 T# d8 m* E' m$ \& i/ s, w
  insurance instruction   投保通知1 I, S% U" B* r0 ]0 m$ I
  insurance business      保险企业0 d9 Z: _( I* d& w7 q+ e4 C
  insurance conditions    保险条件
5 i, K9 [- V5 [; D: W  PICC (People’s Insurance Company of China)    中国人民保险公司
$ J0 m  C6 X" S' }' `4 W# e7 ?  risk insured, risk covered  承保险项( b# s, X/ o3 k* Q7 X/ }1 h* ~& C
  risk      险别: {; y7 |+ D* u* p
  to provide the insurance 为...提供保险; V  ~9 x0 [* L8 w" R6 f  P& v6 d
  leaflet                 说明书
  A5 u: n% O3 [- r) j( o/ x  fine print              细则  D% w3 H: F, l, }0 f
  insurance expense       保险费7 _5 i# M0 t  [6 Y
  premium rate            保险费率( b8 Y; C& c- x% C. ~# @7 P- N
  premium                 保险费& }1 K" r7 u" [+ l% i
  insurance rate          保险费率表" ]4 ]) A5 i; @0 y. b
  insurance proceeds      保险金(保险收入)
0 ?8 u' B- |2 A/ u4 b" m  insurance free of (from) particular average (FPA).     平安险(单独海损不赔)
( S+ @4 c4 z& A2 K  insurance with particular average (WPA), basic risks. insurance against all risks.    综合险,应保一切险% Y7 q/ L( V; o8 M! f+ G5 l
  risk of breakage        破碎险) L/ n7 z7 h3 k; |* z  M0 U
  risk of clashing        碰损险- Z) P. T- L1 T! e8 f
  risk of rust            生锈险
: N8 @) p+ }+ s& ]% e  risk of hook damage     钩损险
1 ~" ~# [; n+ f9 F# }  risk of contamination (tainting)         污染险2 |: }0 \9 N3 t$ P; s8 ]3 P
  insurance against total loss only (TLO)  全损险+ Q4 @) e4 X3 i. z$ p
  risk of deterioration        变质险
# B  F6 p: B% `* K2 ?1 G" V/ Y8 Z  risk of packing breakage     包装破裂险+ Z. r( I' k1 D5 h9 o# Q& j
  risk of inherent vice        内在缺陷险
( T# ?+ v3 ^5 t, @  risk of normal loss (natural loss)?       途耗或自然损耗险
2 W4 P, I! c8 s1 X" x! y5 h  risk of spontaneous combustion            自然险
; c  n" f5 X" T" W& p* w# j  risk of contingent import duty            进口关税险
2 y2 `/ ^% p) w4 @  insurance against war risk                战争险% q, ~1 B, W/ _. P5 F# a: R# v: d
  Air Transportation Cargo War Risk          航空运输战争险! D3 O/ W* x. N+ r+ T0 N
  overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险. k, y/ N2 m7 z" p* ]( @
  insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC)   罢工,暴动,民变险
2 g- z. E2 z+ K  insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks  附加险% F, T9 L/ i! |9 Q/ L+ B
  risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TRND)   盗窃提货不着险
* Y( Q; Y0 H  C  risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting)   淡水雨淋险; e$ Z; O; U0 E# G/ z7 ?7 ~
  risk of leakage    渗漏险9 X2 L  m" K! z9 u
  risk of shortage in weight/quantity   短量险3 l- ~) ]; }$ E: L3 Y
  risk of sweating and/or heating       受潮受热险

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:13 | 显示全部楼层


  risk of bad odour(change of flavour)  恶味险,变味险
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