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[FECT高级考试] 金融法律辅导:UsefulWordsandExpressions(4)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  民事权利与责任 civil right and liability   民事权利 civil right
/ O. X" g, P' q  人身权利 jura personarum; rights of the person5 q0 d1 H8 h/ T- E6 F5 ^, l
  人格权 right of personality
- a/ b( _! C8 ~( L# L; b0 F9 R1 \  上诉权 right of appeal
3 B6 x5 ]' z2 M' X( f  不受时效限制权 imprescriptible right5 o8 ~- D2 m+ J- z! R' ?+ `- O
  立遗嘱权 right to make a ill
3 q$ Q7 t, k7 g. o8 l5 o; g% v  合法权利 legal right: t( W& `/ C' }4 M6 Q: @3 M
  共有权 communal tenure+ k) s& i1 N8 G1 p4 B- N; D# {# f
  求偿权 recoupment; recourse
" d5 R7 g& e8 X2 j  居住权 right of habitation
4 d8 d6 y# t5 z( r1 z4 {9 I. d9 _2 }  使用权 right of use( Z8 s- W- p( W; c7 t
  委任权 poer of pocuration
( S5 y) j0 m% l' t7 q$ B7 `+ A. D% r  财产权 proprietatis; property right5 C& g- u4 N  ~+ P' s5 T4 R" x
  财产让与权 benefit of cession
$ C  @: m$ T, d  B5 L+ J  起诉权 right of action. |" a2 ?: o7 I9 n
  采光权 right of ancient lights( Y/ P2 l, t* Y% L" n+ F! U
  专用权 sole right of use( q& B% ]2 ?+ }8 Y* g! ?9 h
  专有权 exclusive poer
3 m( A& G5 u4 e7 ^5 C  专利申请权 clailm of patent application  w5 ^& P7 ^$ f: P) F$ ?- f7 j( i
  控告权 right of complaint
/ F% h# e& V0 V) ~( ~* c  答辩权 right of reply4 R, `+ M" ~/ V( S6 g. D- t4 M
  解释权 right to interpret
; d) v# v: F- P$ V$ r0 W  经济权利 economic right
. l' M2 t* c" z+ B  债的请求权 debt claim
6 R3 @+ B# v" B  监护权 guardianship) E/ \1 E% K: z! O
  选择权 right of choice
; G1 s& W4 D, _7 }  转卖权 right of resale

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