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[FECT高级考试] 金融法律:EightbodiesdiscoveredincarsinCanada

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  An aerial view shows police officers working the crime scene where eight bodies were discovered near St. Thomas April 8, 2006. Canadian police launched a full-scale murder investigation after a resident found eight bodies in a cornfield in rural southwest Ontario. Constable Doug Graham, from the Ontario Provincial Police, said the victims, all white men, were found on Saturday morning in or near three cars and a tow truck abandoned on the field or the dirt road beside it." W& I8 d8 S6 l& d1 q) X
  A body is seen in the back of a car in the area where eight men were found dead inside four vehicles near Shedden, Canada, on Saturday April 8, 2006.
  y' i) T* ?3 x+ M& V8 x- i" g( v  An aerial view of police officers working the crime scene where eight bodies were discovered April 8, 2006. Canadian police launched a full-scale murder investigation after a resident found eight bodies in a cornfield in rural southwest Ontario. Constable Doug Graham, from the Ontario Provincial Police, said the victims, all white men, were found on Saturday morning in or near three cars and a tow truck abandoned on the field or the dirt road beside it

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