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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语保险与证劵辅导:联合国国际货物多式联运公约(四)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 q. I# }! g* y1 y/ @  Article 5 Issue of Multimodal Transport Document
- p# K+ G% S& j( }# p% K  1. When the goods are taken in charge by the multimodal transportoperator, he shall issue a multimodal transport document which, at theoption of the consignor, shall be in either negotiable or non-negotiableform.8 g' Z$ w9 s+ N. L  i
  2. The multimodal transport document shall be signed by the multimodaltransport operator or by a person having authority from him.
) k( Y" j7 w& o' i! m* N" V  3. The signature on the multimodal transport document may be inhandwriting, printed in facsimile, perforated, stamped, in symbols, ormade by any other mechanical or electronic means, if not inconsistent withthe law of the country where the multimodal transport document is issued.
6 }: J) k+ q/ `% F" e4 g3 S  4. If the consignor so agrees, a non-negotiable multimodal transportdocument may be issued by making use of any mechanical or other meanspreserving a record of the particulars stated in Article 8 to be containedin the multimodal transport document. In such a case the multimodaltransport operator, after having taken the goods in charge, shall deliverto the consignor a readable document containing all the particulars sorecorded, and such document shall for the purposes of the provisions ofthis Convention be deemed to be a multimodal transport document., s* ~" g: W# E! V1 m2 z+ m$ M, u) j
  Article 6 Negotiable Multimodal Transport Document8 G" X7 t% N7 p
  1. Where a multimodal transport document is issued in negotiable form:
1 z  `  i2 z8 F5 z9 z; T  (a) It shall be made out to order or to bearer;
" C) s2 R; c: h7 R/ L" R  (b) If made out to order it shall be transferable by endorsement;
# U6 ^4 M1 v# Y' I, {6 _  ^  (c) If made out to bearer it shall be transferable withoutendorsement;; g  n# \# n* K0 O5 Z
  (d) If issued in a set of more than one original it shall indicatethe number of originals in the set;
+ r  }" l) G% t2 I9 p$ W  (e) If any copies are issued each copy shall be marked“non-negotiable copy”。; L: x; b: D& S' N
  2. Delivery of the goods may be demanded from the multimodal transportoperator or a person acting on his behalf only against surrender of thenegotiable multimodal transport document duly endorsed where necessary.
( v$ @8 m! g2 L2 B5 ?8 c8 d  3. The multimodal transport operator shall be discharged from hisobligation to deliver the goods if, where a negotiable multimodaltransport document has been issued in a set of more than one original, heor a person acting on his behalf has in good faith delivered the goodsagainst surrender of one of such originals.

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