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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语保险与证劵辅导:联合国国际货物多式联运公约(五)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:34:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Article 7 Non-negotiable Multimodal Transport Document
7 |  S% _$ m4 Z( N  1. Where a multimodal transport document is issued in a non-negotiableform it shall indicate a named consignee.
: `9 T+ `5 i4 L3 z* s  2. The multimodal transport operator shall be discharged from hisobligation to deliver the goods if he makes delivery thereof to theconsignee named in such non-negotiable multimodal transport document or tosuch other person as he may be duly instructed, as a rule, in writing.
  Z% H* ?, j' g0 h  Article 8 Contents of the Multimodal Transport Document
; k/ `% s( o$ V9 r  f3 `8 Q" [9 w0 u  1. The multimodal transport document shall contain the followingparticulars:
+ ?9 c8 H: S5 o' w  (a) The general nature of the goods, the leading marks necessaryfor identification of the goods, an express statement, if applicable, asto the dangerous character of the goods, the number of packages or pieces,and the gross weight of the goods or their quantity otherwise expressed,all such particulars as furnished by the consignor;
7 v/ M1 f8 ^( z/ }( v+ R  (b) The apparent condition of the goods;" _& D+ X- y$ d3 c. ~
  (c) The name and principal place of business of the multimodaltransport operator;* I( n9 P, `  t5 j& U. e+ K5 {
  (d) The name of the consignor;
# u# N6 U! @5 h& z# @! ~; ^  (e) The consignee, if named by the consignor;
( H. l/ \9 d; w5 i8 v  (f) The place and date of taking in charge of the goods by themultimodal transport operator;
# x3 x' P* p# @! R  g8 u  (g) The place of delivery of the goods;
$ V) q- R# g7 D# j0 T# d: f- K4 ~4 e. R  (h) The date or the period of delivery of the goods at the placeof delivery, if expressly agreed upon between the parties;( w  V0 s9 x) _2 b0 R
  (i) A statement indicating whether the multimodal transportdocument is negotiable or non-negotiable;( {/ S. n# g% y# o
  (j) The place and date of issue of the multimodal transportdocument;
3 a5 p% G" a4 @8 T, T8 S  (k) The signature of the multimodal transport operator or of aperson having authority from him;: E" Y/ [7 p% D  o
  (l) The freight for each mode of transport, if expressly agreedbetween the parties, or the freight, including its currency, to the extentpayable by the consignee or other indication that freight is payable byhim.
- g; E. T1 Y1 K0 \9 n9 E  (m) The intended journey route, modes of transport and places oftranshipment, if known at the time of issuance of the multimodal transportdocument;
4 @. p# {) L4 b1 j% Q  (n) The statement referred to in paragraph 3 of Article 28;
* z5 R, ?# S3 v; x  (o) Any other particulars which the parties may agree to insert inthe multimodal transport document, if not inconsistent with the law of thecountry where the multimodal transport document is issued.1 V) N2 z+ v, n2 |  Z3 a* R2 c
  2. The absence from the multimodal transport document of one or moreof the particulars referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall notaffect the legal character of the document as a multimodal transportdocument provided that it nevertheless meets the requirements set out inparagraph 4 of Article 1

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