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[FECT高级考试] TheMoneySystemoftheU.S.美国的货币制度(注解

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  New Words3 T+ I! N7 u- N+ h5 }
  congress n.9 B3 w7 S; \4 P0 ^5 g- \9 }" o; W) }
  cent n.: {0 W' S4 v. J! r; |$ W3 a: H
  unit n.# W# F" `. @3 _
  coin n.
2 p7 [1 X8 {5 H# J9 V% S. h/ c. h  penny n.
5 _/ ]2 ~$ o9 K* p  nickel n.& O0 U% l2 a. {" f! u$ Q% E
  dime n.
& b# O9 Z1 ?7 B* j0 N  quarter n.
8 O& {5 N, O' e" Q  dollar n.7 F$ ]: |& ~$ x. l' E
  liverless adj.
+ e. `( u' S. N3 v0 s" e6 _  mint v./ S% u3 g3 }) {3 n( J- P* l
  circulation n.
; s  u+ Q( H  f" v  bill n.# v6 q& l( Y7 b  T& z! g/ l" l% g. H
  denomination n.+ A. O* E2 p0 `
  size n.% Y& e( Z2 D+ S5 T+ ?& @3 O9 b
  print v.0 E% p. ^4 Z4 Q
  involve vt.
+ {- J$ m! T/ U/ D' m  check n.
) t8 l& ]5 W. C5 s  sum n.- @' J) `9 u% ]. ~  {4 y, l
  fund n.
* x# Z9 Z, P5 r# V3 |+ [4 p& {8 I! N' x  transfer n.  单词* r! c* x4 k  g$ t9 @+ ~4 d. i
" d' X' o$ Z8 Q- h  (币单位)分, 分币
( I$ z0 O, F" \6 U9 D  (计量)单位
! Y2 ^: k7 c) m0 G  硬币
, Y3 }8 i7 _" G, g7 p/ j  便士,(美) 分2 j6 M# }7 u& L# i, b
. G. B& v$ w$ J, X" u# ~1 q1 F  (美) 一角硬币
3 I  j7 w$ k/ W! {' d! }  二角五分硬币
1 w, b* k2 ?) S8 X0 `8 I# }  元;美元9 ]0 k1 O( @/ l/ Z
9 M( P% l; k! F: {% r/ _1 ?6 Y& `! }1 M  铸造(硬币)0 K' [" S1 X& x( C; z  X
  循环, 流通, 发行额
! p" k% b& D6 x# @3 y6 U* u  钞票, 票据, h% e3 E1 q% {6 ~4 K  b
  单位;币值9 l8 I  O+ j& [; t: `
( {% s5 J' [' Z  印刷, 出版$ J+ K6 L9 d* a4 p: b3 R; N
" n* c+ f$ p4 O- g  支票, H3 {+ d' p2 B% D
  总数, 金额
+ i2 K' j0 G  S4 [. \( V  资金, 基金$ p7 [6 y# n7 Y2 x9 O+ Z
  转帐, 过户, 转让& s2 n' |/ K+ |' K9 R* P, n8 t
  Phrases and Expressions6 z6 F/ \, m) T5 w! c; ~& g
  to be made up of…, O( U# _+ J9 S1 u  S8 R
  in common use  l$ d$ K- d5 P
  out of circulation
2 _% D' D) [6 f9 ?" }  in circulation, W9 H2 z0 x8 k+ g6 J
# A# w9 R6 V: @% }  x* O  silver coin* O: |4 `2 m5 H! f( Y$ S: u; J
  gold coin( P. X& P, |3 W8 Y1 I% S, W
  paper bill
, \$ D7 D& b1 E7 }/ H/ V% v! _  large denominations 短语与词组4 j( Z2 c8 B8 m
% V9 z/ L+ P9 Z/ i4 {6 J' q3 N  通用1 T% H) [. h6 u( s0 X# ~
  流通之外, s/ B* {# O& o* ^
5 o4 J) u, h  N* m  50分1 Q% M2 z) f+ ^, U4 `
2 `: M% g; p9 f* J, O$ F  a4 Z  金币
7 F% s! Y% s( x9 l  纸币" y. M3 N1 y# w
. U0 n% A# C( y1 x' \0 N) @: n& [. l% x
+ M$ d# L- r: q% g" W% B0 o( R  1.In 1785 the Congress of the United States chose the dollar, which is made up of 100 cents, as the basic unit of money. 1785年,美国国会选用美元作为基本的货币单位,一美元分为一百美分。% ^' Y' v$ h7 \& s7 `* i6 f
  (1)which is made up of 100 cents此句前后用逗号隔开,是非限制性定语从句,对前面的the dollar作补充说明。9 [3 p  O" B" q5 M) S! C; e
  (2)choose…as…为固定搭配,意为“选…作为…”6 ^  @, i  _. E' O  _  x
  (3)basic unit of money基本货币单位8 z/ R& Y0 A' C, u) s. U
  2.If you ever visit the United States, you will probably use only four of the paper bills now in circulation: the one-dollar bill, the five- dollar bill, the ten-dollar bill, and the twenty-dollar bill. 如果你去美国,也许会使用现在流通中的四种纸币:一元币、五元币、十元币和二十元币。
- O# N$ ]: f' |  (1)paper bill纸币9 F0 J" h. q! f
  (2)one-dollar bill一元币5 `& b- R8 Y4 ~
  (3)five-dollar bill五元币
! ^( u4 P8 I5 a0 |1 m+ i8 z  (4)ten-dollar bill拾元币
8 w" f* ~9 a0 P( u! h  (5)twenty-dollar bill二拾元币, @0 Z8 m; P: y0 m0 A
  3.Nowadays transactions that involve large sums of money are made by checks and fund transfers. 现在,涉及大金额的交易都是通过支票和资金划拨的方式进行。/ J! _+ m6 ?: Y" g4 _2 o( b4 s
  (1)…that involve large sums of money是定语从句。
% D! z9 z. i) N( }1 w4 c8 N  (2)sum n.an amount of money:一笔钱:
- z; z4 d$ c) V" \  U  ?  例:pay an enormous sum
. _; T  @! r  i& b7 v* R- ]  支付一大笔款项" s5 j2 K$ v$ Q) i9 ]/ Y
  (3)fund transfer资金划拨8 g/ N+ m: O" f
  4.The largest denomination you will see is the one hundred-dollar bill. However, many people do not like to carry a bill of this size in their pockets. 你所看到的最大面值是一百元的纸币,可是,许多人不喜欢随身携带这种面额的纸币。
" i% `4 A9 r2 x5 G  (1)denomonation n.one of a series of kinds, values, or sizes, as in a system of currency or weights:(种类、数值或大小的)单位:一系列种类、数值或大小中的一个,例如在货币或重量系统中
, j8 w2 J% N! j( C1 r' Y* L) y  例:The U.S. coins of the lowest denomination is the cent.美国钱币的最低单位是分。! j: R6 b; }0 j
  (2)a bill of this size这种面额的纸币+ X  E  z5 R/ N, Z4 g
  size n.considerable extent, amount, or dimensions:大量:可观的范围、数量或大小:
' a0 E3 H) O! j( C4 w2 K  例:a debt of enormous size.) Q' j& t  v5 d! g- ], \
  巨额债务* I" X6 Q* E  l7 _
  5.penny n. ①pl.pennies a unit of currency in Ireland and the United Kingdom.See table at currency 便士:一种爱尔兰和英国的货币单位参见 currency ②Abbr. p.In the United States and Canada, the coin that is worth one cent.缩写 p.分:一种美国和加拿大面值1分的硬币 ③pl. pence Abbr. p. a coin used in Great Britain since 1971, worth !/100 of a pound.Also called new penny 缩写 p.便士:一种1971年起在英国使用的面值同!/100磅的硬币也作 new penny ④Abbr. d. a coin formerly used in Great Britain, worth !/12 of a shilling or !/240 of a pound.缩写 d.便士:一种面值同一先令的!/12或一磅的!/240的英国旧硬币" H3 j% A! u( i. u) `
  6.cent n.a unit of currency in Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Brunei, Canada, Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Dominica, Ethiopia, Fiji, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Kenya, Liberia, Kiribati, Liberia, Malta, Mauritius, Namibia, Nauru, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, New Zealand, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, United States, and Zimbabwe.See table at currency
: v+ f0 \7 w0 \) R; J  分:一种用于以下国家的货币单位:澳大利亚、巴哈马、巴巴多斯、伯利兹、文莱、加拿大、开曼群岛、塞浦路斯、多米尼加、埃塞俄比亚、斐济、格林纳达、圭亚那、牙买加、肯尼亚、利比里亚、基里巴斯、马耳他、毛里求斯、纳米比亚、瑙鲁、荷兰、荷属安地列斯群岛、新西兰、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、塞舌尔、塞拉利昂、新加坡、所罗门群岛、索马里、南非、斯里兰卡、苏里南、斯威士兰、坦桑尼亚、特立尼达和多巴哥、图瓦卢、乌干达、美国和津巴布韦

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:07 | 显示全部楼层


  7. nickel n. a U.S. coin worth five cents, made of a nickel and copper alloy.镍币:美国面值5分的硬币,由铜镍合金制成+ t# h+ E- {6 W! }% J
  8.dime n. a coin of the United States or Canada worth ten cents.一角银币:美国或加拿大价值十美分的硬币
: @8 ~( `/ }. o  9.quarter n. a coin equal to one fourth of the dollar of the United States and Canada.二角五分硬币:相当于四分之一美元和加元的硬币</p>
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