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[FECT高级考试] TheFunctionsofMoney货币的职能(注解)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  New Words" v# N6 l: {. i( g$ S/ T4 T- _6 P$ q8 u
  function n.. ~: C2 n* r$ D' m- i+ b
  perform vt.
; X: B4 p9 J3 X  essential adj.
+ Q4 i5 j2 Z1 E. n# u. ^9 y# o  characteristic adj.
9 G3 f9 n1 ^; R1 s6 R# g% l  acceptable adj.& R! _% w& f9 u3 Y: L4 U
  identify vt.
  P" y3 v& z9 s, U& l5 `0 w  medium n.6 W' j; q" ?  e) |0 n) k0 D
  simplify vt.
+ Y. o8 _/ X( ~% P! B) N9 |  mutually adv.
) _3 J  z& w- S! d( B1 b  item n.2 I$ R' M. O  v( j3 ?+ m0 V
  measure n.' ?3 L  Q) a3 i* ~/ B
  value n.
4 C5 j. D: h! x4 w. ~4 ^: C2 w+ O- l  convenient adj.
- }' |% z% P9 g- g0 e9 F  yardstick n.
1 P6 u: f0 _9 j5 I, m" N  express adj. vt.9 c- b/ q5 P2 b
  act vi.
/ ]- v) G  r& _' p* ~) h  neat adj.
& _3 o6 ^0 w1 x& M  orderly adj.
' o# q  S- }% L  wealth n.% B7 O" q% u/ @, ?  h
  temporarily adv.
' A0 X) ?' n) e, \0 J  consumption n.
( J2 h% x$ [; }2 R" X! z  \1 D  standard n.
* |; b& q/ N' E! p4 `  defer vi. vt.; B" u/ |7 K  r, G
  establish vt./ ^* `9 v  V: _
  obligation n.4 e" _* ~) \0 [# N$ B
  ideal adj.* {# X) ~$ ~& J4 a
  universally adv.9 _$ ]' T6 C/ p5 l( z$ Z$ j  C
  easily adv.
, l$ k* S3 E' U( ~. e6 N. ^  u  transport n.4 u% R2 n9 r) Z/ |3 T" T
  divisible adj.6 H1 M1 W/ m/ [1 x, J4 V! n+ I
  precious adj., Q3 v" x4 e$ c* u& U5 G8 H5 m: v
  metal n.. p8 o. _$ L6 I8 O0 t! T
  intrinsic adj.
9 s. b2 k( L1 c) a1 A+ e( m+ M' \  ease n./ C2 w$ Z' j5 @, ]- z4 D3 F3 D' z
  simplicity n.
' [+ X* H' t4 D$ _6 _- l  weigh vt.
- I  X0 x3 v6 N3 h+ o4 d  desire vt.
) J3 ?  @" s- X4 b9 ?  amount n./ B) A0 f* J0 I5 F# M/ \% f& p
  promote vt.9 N$ Y* h. I2 Z, o
  commodity n.
, J4 @8 P  t5 j" l; m( x  service n.
' f: }% W* l/ Y6 k, L& H  definitive adj.  单词
. R3 d" T0 ]5 X" ^  作用,功能;职务,职责8 S& D+ D4 @( _" c9 r3 I+ q
  履行, 执行2 r2 J# _% [( i; P* C
  本质的, 实质的, 基本的; Z0 W, G1 Y/ Q! n
  特有的, 表示特性的, 典型的8 y4 F0 s1 N- h% S
  可接受的, 合意的
2 a+ Q# g8 z; l9 n7 X& d  识别, 鉴别
: f7 Z+ E& P( `. d6 h) S  媒体, 方法, 媒介
, s3 [- z# e4 E3 X+ M+ x  单一化, 简单化! ^2 e$ B  c; S; ]3 u6 p. Q0 S
  互相地, 互助
8 j: V/ y/ e1 q8 T* R" y- Q  (可分类或列举的)项目, 条款, (消息、情报等的)一则, 一条
/ Z- Y7 i# Q  F4 P! Z  尺寸, 量度标准, 方法, 措施
* \  J7 Z0 Y, ?: j3 |0 A  价值, 估价, 价格 vt. 估价! U- Y, g" w* j. P2 R* I
  便利的, 方便的% C/ h0 E4 n: A- Y# u
  码尺, 准绳
* K+ e  d7 I$ q2 V2 A5 g  表达, 表示
. e% D& |8 A& r, j: @* Q' y: ]  行动, 担当, 表演vt. 扮演, 装作1 s9 s/ }/ l- G8 b
  整洁的, 灵巧的, q; N) q+ Z6 f& V; q% t
  有秩序的, 整齐的, 整洁的
9 u: A' f1 G  P4 c% e  财富, 财产
1 \. ?" q$ ]  P9 V+ O3 ~! n  临时
" M7 r: f7 _3 }$ h  消费, 消费量
: t* y  a' h7 a- \2 K! M. C; B  标准, 规格 adj. 标准的, 第一流的
6 z3 X2 g( r$ s  F9 T  使推迟, 使延期
, H$ G) D: t5 s& U  建立, 设立, 确定9 K% V- F3 }+ T0 g5 ]0 g
  义务, 职责, 债务
6 @& }& [9 l" q  完美的, 想象的, 观念的8 }# O2 z' }: d) z  }! t+ m7 X
  普通地, 一般地
) ?* f4 l, K: B( C5 Z% A8 y6 S( a  容易地, 不费力地3 j& \( s5 ?% W$ G
  运输 vt. 传送, 运输
# n9 Y* ?/ W. A0 D$ Z3 l  可分的
( P2 s/ _+ }0 y, v  宝贵的, 贵重的, ?) i0 _/ S3 t
  金属$ V& g$ V% M( A/ m/ Q( e$ O
  (指价值、性质)固有的, 内在的, 本质的! Y; u: X3 Q+ i! y; \, j+ o" d/ f$ z& X
  安心, 不费力5 D! M1 |; D: X0 [. B
  简单, 简易6 O: Z1 ]: W- Y8 S" _& o
  称...重量, 称 vi. 重(若干)
6 T+ N: ?" \* L: p' ?# |  想望, 期望, 希望 v. 要求
; \0 {" |1 {; ~6 o  数量 vi. (to) 总计, 等于
- J, t0 O0 T1 {2 x1 K4 ^3 _  促进, 推销, 提升
; l; \: u" N# b* `- L  日用品, 商品, 货物0 t( n. g: [, G
  服务, 劳务
8 t0 A  @8 Y4 r& n5 j5 B# |  最后的, 确定的
4 y# ~& B* R. Y' ?! ~5 W  Phrases and Expressions
% X  _7 n' h0 b* C, U2 `  L1 r  essential characteristic
6 |. E' K9 W3 m2 A- V, q- r  medium of exchange8 |- q; K5 X2 a% j2 l: a$ ^$ \. v
  measure of value8 ^  c2 ^& g/ C6 k
  store of value
3 ^. Q2 @' G  U/ {4 E" h  standard of deferred payments
9 `- v1 a6 y6 C2 T  K  in definitive terms  短语与词组
$ ?5 w$ p# U2 Z" F$ ?8 Y( {7 W' ^  最重要的特征0 V% W5 [5 B0 i' K
  交换的媒介! n$ B) B1 m2 F0 w: ^' _
  价值的尺度/ x6 ]  o  j( B3 g& F. k. U* U
9 l% h; o; q! m  支付的手段(递延支付的标准)
, }, T5 a" K% M# m' w/ R  用特定的计算单位来表示
' l/ I1 [+ \1 h8 b
% K: @5 z- d+ P( G& r$ L7 h  1.Anything which performs the functions of money is money. 任何有货币功能的商品就是货币。
( ?8 `7 r; B/ e4 L  ①Which…引导定语从句. P% [7 r; g' T! U+ |! `7 |! O
  ②function n. action for which one is particularly fitted or employed.作用,功能:特别适合某人或某人所从事的行为7 _/ @4 ~& O# K* _3 S" D
  2. When people generally refuse to accept something as money, it is not money. 当人们普遍拒绝接受某种商品作为货币时,它就不是货币。
( N9 R4 C# ^/ _! j) R/ U4 [5 f' O  as prep.(介词)in the role, capacity, or function of: 以…的身份,作为:充当角色、身份或功能的:1 K4 \+ d; b4 b/ b7 J
  例:acting as a mediator.
5 ^" k9 G: x& i: i1 u" \  充当调解人
8 D( S0 a/ ~. ?( a/ i+ c! G  3.Money simplifies the exchange of goods by providing a mutually acceptable item for exchange. 第一,货币充当一种交易双方都愿意接受的媒介物,简化了商品交换,执行流通手段职能。0 }* J) R; ?4 p8 N2 F
  ①by providing…作状语
) T' Q. i! G. }) ?5 X  ②a mutually acceptable item for exchange:一种用于交换的,双方都愿意接受的商品
" P/ t# Y8 Q5 j  item n. a single article or unit in a collection, an enumeration, or a series 项目,细目" R. i* t. u. I7 ^$ k# c' L; ]+ |
  4.Money provides a neat, orderly form of wealth that may be temporarily held before it is spent on services or consumption goods. 货币在支付劳务或消费品之前,被当作一般财富储藏起来,执行储藏手段职能。
# K! c3 ^; U1 ^6 n+ U4 U0 B  ①a neat, orderly form of wealth 一种简单划一的财富形式
* H' @# G" ]( x8 u( b3 w  }3 E  neat adj. orderly and precise in procedure; systematic 简洁的:步骤有序的和精确的;系统的, ?/ i6 Z: Q# v7 v2 f, t3 o, O% o( V
  orderly adj. free from disorder; neat 整洁的:避免无秩序的;干净的:
) b( e" f$ X" j  ②that may be temporarily held是由关系代词that引导的定语从句,意思是“被暂时持有(储藏)”
$ b  Q9 o- _5 `! r  {' |  ③before it is spent on services or consumption goods是由连词before引导时间状语从句,意思是“货币在支付劳务或消费品之前”
, R( ^4 e" l4 Q  it指wealth或money
. W, R& N5 a5 m  spend (money on sth) vt. to pay out (money) 花钱;付款
7 F8 t5 U2 n% x/ h1 b9 e3 b8 e" j# L, b  例:How much money do you spend each week?: w9 k0 i3 s* ]5 f) W! C3 Y5 w
2 {7 z3 a6 \2 ?$ [: K  5.Fourth, money as a standard of deferred payments performs the function of establishing a future value or obligation in definitive terms. 第四,货币用来表现商品的未来价值,或明确债权债务关系,执行支付手段职能。: {" O/ p, ^6 |8 A
  ①介词短语as a standard of deferred payments作定语,修饰money
; U% U. t. F# b/ p5 n  W# Z6 k/ u  ②establishing a future value是动名词短语,做介词of的宾语,意思是“确立(商品的)未来价值”# }1 l6 m' S5 o5 d( c( W) a
  6.The ideal money is something universally acceptable, easily stored and transported, and highly divisible. 理想的货币是被普遍接受的一般等价物,便于储藏和携带,而且易于分割。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:07 | 显示全部楼层


  ①…acceptable,…stored and transported, and…divisible等形容词修饰前面的不定代词something。因为不定代词被形容词修饰时,形容词须放在它的后面2 [4 y$ W' u1 `8 F, _
  ②highly divisible 可以高度分割的
/ g3 b& U+ L' ?  7.The intrinsic value of gold and silver, the ease with which they can be carried, and the simplicity of weighing out any desired amount have promoted the use of these commodities. 金银本身的内在价值,携带方便、计量简捷,使之从众多商品中分离出来成为货币。
) M6 |+ T. d! d- G  ①(the ease) with which they can be carried是由(介词with)+ which引导的定语从句。
6 H2 z1 ]; k' v6 d  ②weigh out any desired amount: 称出任何(想要称的)重量;分发任何)数量4 H5 _+ X6 _8 D7 C. l6 A+ |
  weigh out vt. ①to determine the weight of by or as if by using a scale or balance.称…重量:用或好象用天平或秤来决定…的重量  ②to measure or apportion (a certain quantity) by or as if by weight. Often used with out: 称出或按重量分发:用或好象用重量来测量或分发(一定的数量)。常与out 连用:$ V- S$ q9 ~* X( \1 F6 L' b/ e
  例:weighed out a pound of cheese.
0 O2 j6 A4 v  Y' k  称出一磅乳酪</p>
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