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[FECT高级考试] 银行及其新功能(词汇详解)(5)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ b$ R4 b/ u- _# {  1.In doing so they transform inactive money capital into active, that is, into capital yielding a profit. 在此过程中,银行将闲置的钱转化为流通的钱,也就是说,转化为产生利润的资本。
% Y0 J6 W( d. R) _' f+ X  (1)in doing so: in the making of payments在支付过程中2 F- O% N' p9 ?3 C
  (2)transform…into…:将……转变为……4 ?9 |7 B9 v/ O. W* u6 |6 {( b
  (3)inactive money capital闲置的货币资金
6 D) F5 P0 @4 Z  (4)active (money capital)流通的(货币资金)9 m9 e0 n, t: S7 k2 @
  (5)(capital) yielding a profit产生利润(的资金)
) u% G/ `0 n) r1 ?: n5 P  yielding a profit是分词短语,做后置定语,修饰前面的capital。
' D7 o3 V) g  r1 T; l  2.They collect all kinds of money revenues and place them at the disposal of the capitalist class. 它们将各种货币收入集中起来,再投放给资本家,由他们支配。
; [2 ~% `8 I, m$ t3 T, K  (1)money revenues货币收入
0 ^! s4 v# `. `  (2)place…at the disposal of供……自由使用
# F2 L" ?# q6 u# {3 Q  (3)capitalist class资产阶级
8 o3 |, l% m" f# |6 r8 q8 ^  3.As banking develops and becomes concentrated in a small number of establishments, the banks grow from modest middlemen into powerful monopolies. 随着银行的发展并集中于少数几家机构,银行逐步从单纯的中介成长为强大的垄断者。
; U% f, D% E9 j6 h  (1)as: conj.at the same time that; while:同时;当…时(引导时间状语从句)' j0 S+ j: _3 W2 y$ _
  例:slipped on the ice as I ran home.
* }; m2 h( K; l6 O& y8 b6 ?; |  我跑回家时在冰上滑了一跤
7 f0 X  F! s0 s' ?4 D# o) ]  (2)a small number of (establishments)少数几家(公司)
7 ]: i, K% K7 `% B  establishments:a place of business with its possessions and staff.已建立的公司:拥有财产或人员的公司; ^) _3 P6 P; W2 j# j
  (3)grow from…into…从……成长为……: H1 q& |" K' g& H; ~5 z- x: W
  (4)modest a.不多的; 不大的;价值不高的
/ l3 ~1 m2 v: o" d& t8 V  例:There has been a modest decrease in house prices this year.
3 d6 C8 V! l- z& Y% M+ [  房价今年略有下降。
+ a/ t9 ?* ^- j7 F5 H% e  4.This transformation of numerous modest middlemen into a handful of monopolists is one of the fundamental processes in the growth of capitalism into capitalist imperialism.从大批普普通通的中介转化为少数垄断者的过程是资本主义向资本帝国主义发展的一个重要步骤。' c$ ^; ?6 g% H0 U. }$ N9 e2 o
$ ~; @  r7 E6 {0 `8 C0 l# `  (2)This transformation of numerous modest middlemen into a handful of monopolists是主语3 w4 K4 c  }6 l+ I4 s& A4 c. ^& U
  (3)in the growth of…into…在……成长(发展)的过程中- |6 [% Y- c4 _; q
  5.I have emphasized the reference to the "affiliated" banks, because it is one of the most important distinguishing features of modern capitalist concentration.我之所以着重提到"附属"银行,是因为这是现代资本集中的最重要、最显著的特征之一。
4 X% K) |# l8 t2 R0 [6 Z6 L1 A3 S' A  (1)emphasize the reference to…着重提到……
/ K$ k2 j7 E: p2 j0 ~  (2) "affiliated" banks"附属"银行,即"大多数股份被大银行(集团)所拥有的"银行" D. R$ T; F1 J1 k
  (3)distinguishing feature显著特点
* N5 }# L$ d7 N5 t( a# K6 x  6.As regards the close connection between the banks and industry, it is precisely in this sphere that the new role of the banks is, perhaps, most strikingly felt.就银行和工业的密切关系而言,银行新功能的最突出体现就在于此。
6 i' b: \1 T! b' W" d  (1)As regards the close connection between the banks and industry做状语6 ~5 I( V+ Q) A- k* k( n
  as regards: concerning关于
1 d7 }! J5 w: u" E; F  (2)it is precisely in this sphere that the new role of the banks is, perhaps, most strikingly felt为强调句型。正常语序为the new role of the banks is, perhaps, most strikingly felt precisely in this sphere。
" {4 Q  U  V* ?* L, u6 l  (3)feel: to undergo the experience of体验,经历:经历某种体会:
  d4 W. D3 p  g8 z/ q  例:felt my interest rising; felt great joy.
" B3 K. `; O) A* Y* o2 B  感到我的兴趣正在增长;感到非常快乐' g' Y) s7 W3 E6 {& t
  (4)sphere n.范围;领域;方面* I2 h# B- F/ j+ g
  7.the merging of one with another through the acquisition of shares, through the appointment of bank directors to the Supervisory Boards (or Boards of Directors) of industrial and commercial enterprises通过收购股份互相兼并,通过向对方监事会(或董事会)委派董事而形成相互之间的合并* X6 w+ y3 i1 X7 x1 }, h3 A
  (1)the merging of one with another互相兼并3 L" H  g! H( ^$ u
  (2)through the appointment of … to通过向……委派6 {% F' b7 l/ c  p* A( F/ Q
  (3)Supervisory Boards监事会! g. m/ k7 X4 w2 `# c# r2 b( y0 E
  (4)Boards of Directors董事会

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