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[FECT高级考试] 信用证常见不符点

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Unclean bills of lading非清洁提单
; P. S" y& m. s8 p; E  Chartered party bill of lading租船提单
+ W( p% t! n! x  No evidence of goods actually “shipped on board”未加注“已装船”
1 z( t5 Y; l+ \. Y& |+ ?/ q, u  Shipment made between ports other than those stated in the credit非指定港装卸船( C$ R3 F1 f! R* ~% F0 v9 N7 c8 S0 t
  Goods shipped on deck货装甲板
3 T& C0 R( w$ h$ c/ _  Bill of lading does not evidence whether freight is prepaid / paid or not未显示运费已付
( o- ^4 \! n$ T* k  Presentation of an insurance documents of a type other than that required by the credit 非指定保单类型
# E% n2 D. Q, W2 v* c6 ~  Insurance risks covered not as specified in the credit投保险种为非指定险种4 X# K/ A& P1 d1 ~( `
  Insurance cover expressed in a currency other than that of the credit投保金额非指定货币) _/ X# f7 Z, W) J
  Under insured保额低于规定& O' b) L, f; L* A3 ^" x  P# E
  Insurance not effective from the date on the bill of lading保险有效日期与提单日不同& \: k6 i$ F( r% m9 ?' }; R/ H
  Documents inconsistent with each other单单不符
9 m( u1 h. d: s* y- {) d5 U  Description of goods on invoice differs from that in the credit发票上货物描述不符8 z6 w% s- o9 u" y  ^' X
  Weights differ between documents单单之间重量不符
$ y/ N" S* I' W: B# d  The amounts shown on the invoice and bill of exchange differ发票与汇票金额不符- q9 B8 {" Q$ R& y. z
  Marks and numbers differ between documents唛头和编号单单不符
) w9 D2 G& `: O7 B# q8 Q) u6 S  Absence of documents called for in the credit缺少信用证要求的单据) T5 h+ D! @* s3 Q
  Bill of exchange drawn on a wrong party汇票受票人错误
" ]3 K+ w9 }2 G* \1 L. z  Bill of exchange payable on an indeterminable date汇票付款日期不确定
8 H6 p# ]' S- F  Bill of lading, insurance document or bill of exchange not endorsed correctly提单、保单、汇票背书有误6 ^1 w$ P& ~. h- M2 S
  Absence of signatures, where required, on documents presented单据缺少签字' i' w5 I' `. r0 |
  Credit amount exceeded超证6 a5 ~! P  ]5 E+ V1 l
  Credit expired效期过, {: j: R' y/ C4 w9 o  B6 t
  Late shipment and presentation迟装船并迟交单1 x6 v  j" Q) Z
  Short shipment短装: M/ ~: P! c6 J+ @
  Over shipped and over drawn超装并超金额

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