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[FECT高级考试] Whatcanyoudousingthepersonalsettlementaccount?您用结算账户能做什么?

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  According to the unified regulation of PBC, the following businesses must be handled at banks through the personal settlement account:* o! B3 `5 Y! n9 O! \3 W
  -Accepting inward fund transfer from any other person or unit (such as agency salary payment account, accepting remittance from any other person or unit);
3 o, }% x* @" ]# d8 m  -Money transfer from any other account under its own name (including its own current saving account and settlement account);& I* G" b9 V) q* i
  -Outward account transfer and remittance (money transfer to any other person or unit);; r8 [# x/ r8 R3 r. G
  -Credit card consumption (consumption and online shopping through Peony Money Link Card or "Elite Club" account card);
  W9 u& w9 @  [$ b. I5 Z  -Payment of charges (for telephone fee and mobile phone fee);
- Q  @0 B* i- [- k  t4 H2 X  -Investment (T-bond, funds, insurance and securities purchase);
2 k. l& z+ @% L  m! y0 D- D+ L  -Loan (the granting and repayment of various loans including housing loan, auto loan and unsecured loan);& e/ s3 G) _  Y% p* e! v0 U- s
  -Handling credit card or personal check.  按人民银行统一规定,您在银行办理如下业务时须通过结算账户办理:& {5 P. w2 u8 G& [" y# s
/ h5 |/ |9 D5 [3 t, ]- J* }0 v  -给本人名下的其他账户转帐汇款(包括本人的活期储蓄账户和结算账户)* [% ]: k4 f+ H7 E8 g/ i. k
  -对外转账/汇款(给他人或单位转账汇款)( M, G# T8 ?) T$ u" v4 l$ C$ u  _
: M  {9 w9 ?8 K/ g- S  -缴费(缴纳电话费、手机费等)
. V- i' [' @" m, x: X  -投资(购买国债、基金、保险,证券投资等)1 c3 f3 s' c- }4 o1 t5 R
8 |5 i. v0 P$ ~: y7 |0 n6 f  -办理信用卡、个人支票

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