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[FECT高级考试] CreditRiskManagement信贷风险管理

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Credit Risk Management信贷风险管理 Risk-Return Tradeoff
0 D. l; Z8 w% l9 jA situation where an investor is willing to take on more risk when there is the possibility of a greater return.Accounts Receivable. o- v2 i% `! ]& Z. h% {
Money owed to the company by its' customers.Accounts Payable% R- c1 n  L/ `
Money the company owes to its' suppliers.Inventory; R  o5 H' \' ~$ l5 X
A detailed list of a company's goods.Average Collection Period
5 n) E% \% y. B. sThe average amount of time required to collect an account receivable.风险回报权衡3 o" r' n+ E# d
/ U; l, `/ V! V+ v6 \: U4 b指公司客户欠公司的钱。应付账款
' o' R0 B2 @1 i+ c9 U5 x! o指公司欠其供应商的钱。存货清单! c( T- b$ J( {4 v
6 j9 ^* d; m% b+ q; i* c9 J( E收回应收账款的平均时间长度。

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