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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导:询问牡丹卡(对话6)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A:Hello!I want to have a Peony Credit Card of your bank.
8 R' o1 ?6 `# K" n# M5 N- G8 M  B:Which do you prefer, a gold card or an ordinary card?
! O, `+ W+ r- n6 B  A:Why!How's that?
3 Q  ^2 n4 ]0 m* T- _  B:Well.According to the credit grade, the Peony Credit Card is distinguished as gold and ordinary cards.
2 W3 L: _! _6 C) v0 H! w& u! c7 ~% k  A:What special discount and service can people get for gold one?
% W6 S' ?( d& z1 }  B:You can get credit limit amounts ranging from 20,000 to 50,000 yuan for a gold card,but only up to 20,000 yuan for an ordinary one.
6 k" K4 n4 @. n* |% f  A:What requirements do you need to get a gold one?) b  K" I4 S0 O0 A, i5 Y
  B:You may apply for a personal gold card if you have a salary of more than 2,000 yuan per month as in the same conditions as other applicants.
5 ^& x  Y3 q1 D3 H  A:Oh.I will have a gold card.
' l3 e9 c* l3 v/ `: C% s% k: }  A:您好!我想办一张贵行的牡丹信用卡。# P) c* J5 J3 W9 R. _! q
2 A  `  [) U: M" k( \# A. \  A:啊!这是怎么回事呢?4 D: x# A7 y* i5 S2 K
  X% ^7 o) s) S  A:金卡能得到什么优惠和特殊服务呢?
: Y2 J, T' A! S  B:您可以获得20,000元至50,000元的信用额度,而普通卡最多只有20,000元。
( `& ?9 @$ D, G7 n; n' B/ a  A:办金卡有什么规定吗?
% j4 O( N+ Q* _' ~1 h* S1 w  B:在其他方面和别人条件一样的情况下,如果您月收入达到2,000元以上,就可以申领金卡。
# i3 R" X9 a$ O4 F# l  A:那我办一张金卡。

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