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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导:询问牡丹卡(对话5)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A:What benefits do the Peony Card have for corporate cardholder?! q$ N' ?# {0 h) s7 H6 M
  B:Agency receipt and payment saves the time of shopping and banking for staffs.* O6 q3 `0 l: ^4 q4 [3 A
  A:Any other benefits?
& }# \; X5 b/ A2 i: }  B:Business trip allowances,medical expenses and other internal payments can all be completed through mutual transfer between the employee's and enterprise's Peony Card accounts.9 I4 K- e! Z6 P4 |
  A:It's really a coagent in enterprise's finance.
; r- F- f2 t/ O3 Z3 Z" }$ b  B:Moreover,it helps the corporate with instant settlement in or beyond the city,increasing the service efficiency of funds." u2 J/ k! y4 c1 n1 y7 @
  A:What special services they are!% i( G7 j  p: V
  B:Our aim is to satisfy every customer's needs.
) L6 r1 @) k8 H0 g. K5 u  A:领用牡丹卡对单位有什么好处呢?  f  U# Q  T! X9 |  ]
  B:代理收付节约购物时间和跑银行的时间。- o, b# |' C/ M& L) D
  A:还有什么其它好处呢?% a7 E3 t9 x, ]% s& P3 s
  B:将差旅费和医疗费用报销及其它内部缴纳工作,全部通过牡丹卡完成员工卡账户与 企业 卡账户间的相互转账。
3 l( G. L$ ?+ ~; e9 |  A:它真是企业财务的好帮手。% @: ^8 t  f3 j. r& r
  B:此外,它帮助单位在同城或异地实现即时清算,提高资金使用效率。1 `/ e' n% m4 b4 n7 k  m9 T# n
" x) g7 o; \2 ~$ P9 ?  B:我们的服务宗旨就是满足每一位客户的需要。

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