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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导:Banking@home[4]金融@家

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Personal financing
% G  Q; a% l# k% D0 s4 A0 o* o  To meet the needs of the clients for sustaining property appreciation and enable the clients to control their own properties at any time or place, "Personal Financing" provide various financing services with unique features for you, i.e. designing financing plans, applying for financing services, entering into various financing agreements, tailor-making financial information, pre-engaging services, etc.
8 D3 W" Y" G2 B: W! c  个人理财
9 Y$ [% s# t6 R7 v  为实现客户财富不断增值的需要,使客户能够随时随地掌控自身财富,“个人理财”为您提供各类独具特色理财服务,包括理财方案设计、理财业务申请、各类理财协议的签订、金融信息的定制、服务预约等。

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