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[FECT高级考试] 存款账户 (词汇详解)2

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Notes# V# k  u; v" v6 P; c6 w; u0 p
  1.Often there is no need for a reference, the customer's name, address and occupation, together with a specimen signature and an initial deposit being all that are needed.一般无需证明人,只需客户的姓名、住址、职业,连同签字样本和开户金额即可。
1 D% v1 d: \5 J$ i; V  (1)there is no need for…不需要……
9 a& Q! O: E- [- r2 [+ j  (2)together with…共同;与……一起
+ Q7 X6 u8 C' {  (3)an initial deposit being all (that are needed)独立主格结构,此处作同位语。8 d- ?$ i. [$ a8 C: a
  initial deposit起存金额,开户金额
+ I& D0 r# d5 A, ^( m  @  (all) that are needed定语从句,意为"所需的(一切)"。, O( @# i/ K& F5 k2 p7 I1 @7 L
  2.Payments into a deposit account, which can consist of cash, cheques, postal orders and so on, may be made at the branch where the account is maintained or at any other branch of the bank.客户可以用现金、支票、邮局汇款单等,在开户行或任何其他营业网点,向其存款账户上存款。% I0 ~3 L; j: i& m% B. B
  (1)Payments into a deposit account may be made变为主动语态的句子may make payments into a deposit account。
( `7 g! @  m0 |! X3 i- E& d6 R  (2)which can consist of cash, cheques, postal orders and so on非限制性定语从句,对前面的payments into a deposit account加以补充说明。
* I, w% ?( i0 g2 e( V  o  (3)(branch) where the account is maintained定语从句,修饰前面的branch。
: N& d8 v( T/ k2 P3 Z7 C  3.But in practice, prior notice is not always insisted upon, provided that the amounts required are not too large.但在实际操作中,只要提取的金额不大,并不一定非要提前通知。
7 a+ Y3 s3 s$ ?8 i, t  (1)in practice
) b# B% t: k: B1 r2 Y* N  practice: n.①the act or process of doing something; performance or action执行,实践:做某事的行为或过程;执行或行动
( H, }; h8 u7 M8 @6 N* j2 w% U  例:a theory that is difficult to put into practice.
" S# p- P8 a: e7 Q  一个难以付诸实践的理论
/ ?: T2 @6 a3 F0 D  

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