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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导资料:BankingLaw银行法

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Banking Law银行法   Two basic laws were introduced in 1995 to govern banks in China: the Law of the People's Bank of China and the Commercial Banking Law of China (known herein as "The CB Law"). These laws represented a major step in the reforming of the banking system. The CB Law outlines banking reforms in four key areas:  1. Protection of depositors;  2. Granting of greater autonomy to commercial banks;  3. Conversion of specialized banks and credit cooperatives into commercial banks; and  4. Introduction of prudential standards and regulations.  At the time, these standards were too high for the major banks to adopt. Today however, all commercial banks ("CBs") adhere to The CB law.  1995年出台了管理中国银行的两个基本法:中国人民银行法和中国商业银行法(这里称“商业银行法(The CB Law)”)。这些法律的出台是整顿银行系统的重要一步。商业银行法概述了银行改革的四个关键领域:  1、保护存款人;  2、授予商业银行更多的自主权;  3、将专门银行和信用合作社并入商业银行;以及  4、引入慎重原则和规章。  那时采用这些标准,对主要的银行来说是要求太高了。但是今天,所有的商业银行(“CB”)都遵守商业银行法。  Interest利息  Interest is the cost of using money. The interest rate paid is usually expressed in annual terms though money market instruments may have a shorter term than one year. An interest rate is determined by dividing the amount of interest paid by the principal amount borrowed. For example, if a $1000 bond pays $85 in interest for one year, the annual interest rate is 8.5 percent. In the U.S. some interest-bearing bonds, such as municipals, entitle the bearer to an exemption from certain taxes on interest income. The interest paid by a company on its outstanding debt as well as the interest paid by a homeowner on his/her mortgage, is deductible from income as an expense and so can reduce the amount of tax owed.  利息是使用货币的成本。利率的支付形式通常以年为期限,虽然金融市场票据会有一个更短的时间。利率的制定取决于借款本金所划分的利息。举个例子,如果1,000美元的债券每年支付85美元的利息,那么年利率就是8.5%。美国有一些有息债券,如政府债券,它允许持有人在利息收益上有一定的免税。公司未偿债务和按揭住房的屋主需支付的利息可以作为一项费用减少他们的应交税金。  Investment Banking投资银行业务  Investment Banking  The activities of a firm when serving as intermediary between an issuer of securities and the investing pubic.  投资银行业务  作为证券发行人和投资公众中介的公司活动。  Firm Commitment  An arrangement whereby investment bankers purchase the new issue shares of a company outright for resale to the public.  包销  投资银行购买某公司的全部新股向公众出售的安排。  Best Efforts  An arrangement whereby investment bankers, through options to purchase, agree to do their best to sell a new issue to the public.  代销  投资银行同意通过购买期权尽最大努力向公众出售新股的安排。  All or None  An arrangement giving the investment bankers the right to cancel the agreement if a new issue is not fully subscribed.  整批委托  赋予投资银行在新股没有完全被认购时取消协议的安排。  Syndicate  Also called the purchase group. A group of underwriters that agrees to purchase a new issue of stock from the issuer for sale to the public.  辛迪加  或称为承销团。同意向发行人购买新股并向公众出售的承销商。  Selling Concession  The discount given by the syndicate to members of the selling group.  出售折扣  辛迪加向出售团成员提供的折扣。  Stabilization  Activities by an underwriter to support the offering price of a new issue stock in the aftermarket.  稳定化  承销商在后市市场支持新股招股价的行动。  Aftermarket  The trading of a new issue stock after it has been fully subscribed.  后市  股票被完全认购后对新股的交易。

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