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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导资料:股票指数和平均指数

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Stock Indices and Averages   股票指数和平均指数  Index  A collection of statistics that measures, from a base, changes in an economy or market.  指数  一系列按照某个基数记录经济或市场变化的统计数据。  Average  A type of index reflecting the weighted performance of a small number of components.  平均指数  反映一小批成分加权表现的一类指数。  Base Period  A standard value, usually set at the establishment of an index, from which its current level is calculated.  基准期  标准值,通常在指数建立时确定,以当时的状况计算。  Standard and Poor’s  An American corporation which publishes a wide range of market information including ratings, indexes, and listings.  标准普尔指数  公布各种排名、指数和列表等市场信息的一家美国公司。  S&P 500  A measure of the performance of 500 widely-held common stocks.  标准普尔500指数  记录500种普遍持有的常见股票的指数。  Weighted (Average or Index)  An average or index in which the performance of more heavily capitalized components have a greater influence.  加权(平均指数或指数)  资本化更大的成分具有更大影响力的综合指数或指数。  Relative Strength  Strength or weakness of a particular stock when measured against a broader index or market.  相对强度  当对照更广泛指数或市场时某一股票的的力量或缺陷。  SPX  Basic option symbol for S&P 500 index options.  标准500指数期权  标准普尔500指数期权的基本期权标志。

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