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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导之中国银行相关资料02

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Overview of the Banking Industry in China, }( H4 `: C; d5 y
  I.The Role of the Banking Sector in China
+ M7 N* K! T; g7 a. W  Paragraph 2(P1)' m; ~! q3 @% r) T2 r
  1.First, banks serve as a principal repository of liquid funds for the public.
% l7 e3 n( ^& C) D6 K, J  第一,银行是社会流动资金的集散地。
9 b: F3 ]- |* G/ P* Y6 e; a  (1)serve: v.be satisfactory for a need or purpose:利于,合适;可作……用(与as或for连用)
, ^: v% K" a- u, q& A5 E  例:A worm will serve as bait.蛹可作饵用。
7 O8 Z9 Z& c( \$ \! r( l6 A- ~  This room will serve for the office.这个房间可作办公室用。& `' O, v( Y3 _6 z# ~
  (2)the public:members of the community in general:公众;民众(此处引伸为“整个社会”)
. g( O# C4 z) _% P: _1 H  (3)principal repository:主要集散地;枢纽3 s2 U1 m+ k$ R0 I; p
  principal: a.highest in order of importance:最重要的" ~! [6 x. U+ R& G& z: ?
  repository:place where things are or may be stored:n.仓库,储藏所(此处引伸为“集散地,集散中心”)8 g* R  a/ d0 X. }. V: t4 N  E8 g& \
  (4)liquid funds:流动资金
  V+ ^; p1 X( z/ u, U; s  liquid: a.easily sold or changed into cash:易变现的,含有大量现金的,流动的
! R: G! g( R) ?7 i8 a8 ]# F, Q  例:liquid assets:流动资产(指现金或易变现票据)+ X/ a4 w' Y* `2 u/ U( {& g# d
  to go liquid:将(尽可能多的)资产转换成现金- x. f5 z; u7 C/ G+ g
  liquid market:流动市场,交易旺盛的市场(某种证券的市场,这个市场有足够的股票可供出售而不扭曲价格。其反义词是thin market:交易清淡的市场)
- a) H( Y3 z6 `  2.The safety and availability of such funds for transactions and other purposes are essential to the stability and efficiency of the financial system.& |, S5 S4 T1 X* g5 P7 ?* z) O
" _  D( ]4 q% M, c- n" T: |! y  (1)be essential to:对……至关重要) b; O) x+ v: p  l' O
  essential: a.necessary;indispensable;most important4 r/ z: O. ^6 k6 g* [
  (2)stability: n.quality of being stable:稳定性;安定. H$ b3 U4 c5 }; e$ C0 h
  (3)efficiency: n.state or quality of being efficient:效力;效率
% J7 i1 E/ h0 J: O. P7 N  efficient: a.producing a desired or satisfactory result:有效力的;有效率的$ i7 I' {! g8 Q& @2 k2 @8 o
  (4)the financial system:金融体系: n7 I  ?2 D: n$ T
  ①financial: a.of finance:金融的;财务的, N" p$ Q' U. x# \; p% {
  例:financial institutions:金融机构(从事证券投资业务的机构,比如银行同业协会、养老基金或保险公司)
+ m. M3 k; S% ^' A- J! W! N  financial intermediary:金融中介(从事吸收存款、发放贷款业务的金融机构,包括银行、租赁公司及各种类型的金融机构)* v$ h  D+ K) O) l9 Z* [3 P
  financial instrument:金融工具(在股票市场或其他金融市场进行的任何形式的投资,如购买股票、政府债券、大额存单、汇票等)
0 ?( ^, ~7 L4 Y% l  ②system:group of things or parts working together in a regular relation:系统,体制;制度. f) @% e9 U) n; m
  例:a payment system:支付体系,支付系统
' Q% H$ z% O! q9 Y  the whole financial system:整个金融系统' p* f5 n) |* Q( X5 `3 Z
  banking system:银行体系
4 Z  u1 b% h/ \9 a4 u# m: ?. U  information system:信息系统* S- `6 U* j1 [- N* D. ^, `$ B
  monetary(money) system:货币制度

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