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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导资料之银行业务与管理18

发表于 2012-8-16 08:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Commercial Trader商业性交易商) l) w7 h) ~) n2 s7 K9 v! D( f
  Uses the futures market for "hedging purposes since they are involved in the production, processing or merchandising of a commodity.
% O5 A3 r( A$ T) ]! m  Commercial traders are well capitalized & usually provide the "fuel" for market advances/declines.
, O" H4 h* O' t% {  In foreign currency futures however, commercial positions are less relevant as the majority of trading is done in the forex market.% ~0 U& R6 h/ i
  Non Commercial Trader (Speculators)非商业性交易商(投机者)% p. ?/ h6 J/ J; I! s1 o  @
  Is a market participant who tries to profit from the buying and selling of futures contracts by anticipating future price movements.
. U9 h2 R9 A/ P, Y$ z+ U  Non commercial data is a reliable source of information as it captures trader's positions in a specific market.
# V; M9 a, ^9 k9 ^% a# M/ o5 M  Extreme positioning in the currency futures market has historically been accurate in identifying important market reversals.
9 O+ t3 y, J, k' J+ L8 I  Many FX traders rely on the currency futures data to determine future price direction.

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