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[FECT高级考试] 会计英语资料-财经英语字典C10

发表于 2012-8-16 08:57:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Commissioner of Insurance 保险业监理专员' Y  m* ~$ }  s
  Commissioner of Rating and Valuation 差饷物业估价署署长8 W3 Q: z8 q3 k) `
  commitment 承担;已承担的开支;承担额;承担项目: S6 e: d+ u$ d5 v$ j" _. ^
  commitment fee 承诺费7 r, A2 ?; x, l
  Committee of the Hong Kong Association of Banks 香港银行公会委员会
  }7 s4 q- z9 s0 d8 {  ?  Committee of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong 香港联合交易所委员会3 q8 f6 U0 _8 B; j
  Committee on Banking Regulations and Supervisory Practices 银行规例及监察事务委员会
- g# v/ W3 v, X3 S$ ?. F' X1 @4 z8 L  Committee on Payment System [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 支付系统委员会〔香港金融管理局〕3 |* p  ^$ g9 a
  Committee on Unit Trusts [Securities and Futures Commission] 单位信托委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕
0 ~0 y/ |4 w* |+ }; y  Commodities Dealers' Deposit Fund 商品交易商按金基金. I% M) b) B- b5 [6 O: Q
  Commodities Trading Commission 商品交易事务监察委员会' }# ], f" N# L/ n3 W
  commodity 商品  commodity classification 商品分类法* Q, B' P$ e; O5 A
  Commodity Clearing Corporation [New York] 商品结算公司〔纽约〕
6 Z$ P6 F3 G4 {- j  L  commodity dealer 商品交易商
! T, l/ u/ ]; L4 F5 w  commodity exchange 商品交易所
/ r) X9 Y3 o- \! y8 M6 d8 h  Commodity Exchange Compensation Fund 商品交易所赔偿基金
. Y. \# p5 l( p2 S* e7 ]  Commodity Exchange, Inc. [New York] 商品交易所有限公司〔纽约〕/ P- ?- z) |$ m. ]
  commodity flow method 商品流动法;商品流通法
, r. G+ V; |# C  Commodity Future Trading Commission [CFTC] [United States] 商品期货交易委员会〔美国〕# v) W- O( w' }( a3 M7 N
  commodity futures contract 商品期货合约
6 n8 z5 _6 J' H  commodity market 商品市场
6 f% Q! S& b( f- |1 p: X. T  commodity tax 商品税  commodity trading adviser 商品交易顾问
0 n2 c( S1 s# o  E+ {  commodity trading adviser's representative 商品交易顾问代表
& b# L3 X5 s0 a" O- [1 c0 S) `' M  commodity trading advisory contract 商品交易顾问合约
  B, m, n9 S8 T" H: u% |/ t. w4 e  commodity warrant 商品期权证
& s' C. ?2 v8 j8 F% B  commodity-based investment 以商品为基础的投资
* o: [2 F- F3 C- J3 a  common fund 共同基金2 B( {9 Y6 V: o2 }
  common property 分权共有财产. {3 F5 [* G8 \) g" _
  common share 普通股9 w, }" G) a+ y6 b4 F' j
  common stock 普通股  Commonwealth Bank of Australia 澳洲联邦银行4 Q, K1 q9 e' r8 v
  Commonwealth Development Corporation 英联邦发展公司' T* x2 L8 i# ?" l4 s, t7 g5 }; P
  Commonwealth Finance Ministers Conference 英联邦财长会议: J- O8 }; O% W( o
  Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation [CFTC] 英联邦技术合作基金
" |7 {; ]+ p5 u  Commonwealth income tax 英联邦入息税
$ a; K3 t7 v" ]# l- X- c2 P  Commonwealth Preference 英联邦特惠制
; u( P$ s- m% W% I4 o  communal property 公有财产;公有产业3 r1 X4 N3 V5 X7 h; P1 U+ M
  communication expenses 通讯费用
" {* m" X% O) T, C$ B, {  Community Preference 欧共体特惠制

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