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[FECT高级考试] 会计英语资料-财经英语字典N2

发表于 2012-8-16 08:57:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  national insurance contribution [United Kingdom]
/ x1 [$ I% t# r# D  J  国民保险供款〔英国〕
8 b7 U: O% N' M9 r7 @% [  National Market System [United States]9 {7 Y" q( a  Z" U. m; q7 C2 \/ y
3 f! h/ R* K% O  ]; _5 ^1 F& R/ i( j  National Measurement Accreditation Service [NAMAS] [United Kingdom]
6 R- M$ P  M% ~- g" h  u  国家计量认可服务处〔英国〕
* Q0 B( q" f9 H9 p" Q  w! B: q  National Westminster Bank plc+ e7 ~; \' w; O2 i
; D& F+ H7 c: {; P  NationsBank, National Association
% B3 h  U& k3 C, ?  美国众国银行$ ]* {. q4 [) C; _
  native bank order& C( q& h$ V, v' h+ X
  本地银行付款令票2 w: T+ o. T3 `4 ^. F  b
  nature of business6 l& z  C  B- ?7 Y8 b
+ u/ Q. Y1 F( n4 g3 m# K- w  near money
* i9 h$ @% G1 o( p" [; r& u  近似货币;准货币
6 ~; w- y( P% S6 j4 J' J. e  near monopoly
2 Y4 Z+ \) P8 j3 ?9 R  近乎专利;近乎垄断3 T1 a" }$ C5 g) d+ [# f! e
  Nedcor Asia Limited
/ A: s2 W% w; D# |# g# s" v8 N  莱利亚洲有限公司8 J& N8 X  j  f2 n9 n/ g( c
  negative factor! ?) m0 G( A* i* H
7 c9 [. ?* {/ h, ]6 t; Q- z% `% K  negative growth) s! N! e# M7 ^, ?+ a0 S+ D% Y
  负增长; a9 i! E' L3 F6 J
  negative interest' T3 S+ S" t+ V& g" R# v% S* n! }2 k
; B% ?9 L! e& M+ I) @  negative interest rate+ T6 k, b" K/ n* ~
  负利率7 l; p% K! G2 }
  negotiable2 P; Z7 q' o7 Z; `( O
  可转让;可流转; e& z3 Q& |5 n+ W8 w( u! w5 W
  negotiable bill of lading
+ a! y, `7 i. |% |6 R* l7 F  可转让提单;流通提单
! h' G! j# g* P, e  negotiable certificate of deposit [NCD]. M+ ~; z# H# c' H" h/ ~1 M' v
  可转让存款证% w6 r+ M+ Q% h; h
  negotiable debt instrument
5 k# W! i3 z, g' Q  M  |  可转让债务票据/ y' j; Y9 `0 y& q/ X; P4 Q
  negotiable instrument1 e3 b$ S" j# |
  可转让票据;可流转票据5 g3 d1 A0 Q$ j0 l- y
  negotiable letter of credit! n! _* g9 W4 `8 R& W" E
  可转让信用证;流通信用证3 ^0 U! n5 [0 ]
  negotiable paper
% j1 U4 W! b6 w8 K  可流转的票据
  `+ u3 ?. m, A; O  negotiable securities
: i0 U6 O. b+ ~) J9 ?- N& g( E: g+ }& L  可流转证券+ {, G7 O' y0 F! Y
  negotiable security
' |1 J. Y  O& c; W  F) ^( V  可流转的抵押品
2 z% W/ V/ d) R4 a' f  negotiating bank
- S5 A. ^# S8 t. y- J  议付银行

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