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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导资料:中日启动高端经济对话机制

发表于 2012-8-16 08:57:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (L) shakes hands with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (R) on the launching ceremony of the high-level economic dialogue mechanism between China and Japan in Tokyo on Thursday, April 12, 2007.   China and Japan jointly launched a high-level economic dialogue mechanism on Thursday to further promote economic and trade ties between the two countries.  The first meeting of the economic dialogue mechanism is expected to be held this year in Beijing.  Strengthening economic cooperation is a major component of the Sino-Japanese strategic, mutually beneficial relationship, said Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who co-chaired the launching ceremony of the mechanism with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.  One aim of the dialogue mechanism is for the two countries to share economic development strategies and macro-economic policies, said Wen.  Another aim is for different departments from the two countries to coordinate economic cooperation and discuss major issues of common concern in bilateral cooperation, he said.  The mechanism will also enable the two countries to increase policy communications on major regional and international economic issues, and boost cooperation in a wider range of areas, he said.  From now on, the mechanism will play a role in planning and promoting Sino-Japanese cooperation in key areas such as energy, environmental protection, financing, telecommunications and intellectual property rights protection, Wen said.  Abe, for his part, said that the launching of the high-level economic dialogue mechanism is the implementation of the strategic, mutually beneficial relations in the economic sector, and a new step in the two countries trade and economic cooperation.  China and Japan are indispensable trading partners for each other, said Abe. Strengthening cooperation between the two will play an important role in helping solve environmental and energy problems faced by the world, he said.  Abe called on the two countries to conduct dialogues from a global perspective, and boost the all-round development of Japan-China relations.  According to the recommendations of Wen and Abe, Chinese Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan and Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso will co-chair the dialogue mechanism.  译文:  中日经济高层对话机制启动会议12日在日本东京举行。国务院总理温家宝和日本首相安倍晋三共同出席并主持了会议。  温家宝在讲话中表示,加强经济合作是构筑中日战略互惠关系的重要组成部分。进一步完善两国经济合作机制,从更宏观视野拓展和深化两国经济合作,是形势发展的客观要求,将对两国关系的发展产生积极影响。  温家宝指出,中日经济高层对话机制的启动,标志着中日经济合作将被提高到更高水平。对话机制的主要任务一是交流两国经济发展战略和宏观经济政策,加深相互了解;二是协调跨部门经济合作事宜,探讨合作中相互关切的重大问题;三是加强在重大地区及国际经济问题上的政策沟通,促进两国更广领域的合作。  温家宝强调,当前和今后一段时期,这一机制可对能源、环保、金融、高新技术、信息通讯、知识产权保护等重点领域的合作发挥统筹和推动作用。温家宝表示相信,对话机制的建立,将对拓展两国经济合作发挥重要作用。  安倍在讲话中表示,日中经贸关系迅速扩大,两国成为不可或缺的合作伙伴。日中经济政策对两国人民生活和东亚地区乃至世界都产生了重要影响,双方加强合作能为解决世界所面临的环境、能源等重要课题发挥重要作用。建立经济高层对话机制是日中两国构筑战略互惠关系在经济方面的具体落实,是两国经贸合作迈出的新的一步。希望双方站在全球的高度开展和推进对话,不断取得成果,促进日中关系的全面发展。  外交部长李肇星、国家发展和改革委员会主任马凯、商务部长薄熙来和日本外务大臣麻生太郎、经济产业大臣甘利明、财务大臣尾身幸次、内阁府经济财政政策担当大臣大田弘子在会上作了发言。  根据两国总理提名,中国国务院副总理曾培炎和日本外务大臣麻生太郎担任中日经济高层对话机制共同主席。该机制第一次会议将于年内在北京举行。

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