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[FECT高级考试] 金融英语辅导之理论语实务备考资料37

发表于 2012-8-16 08:57:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  reckon accounts 结帐, 算帐( W/ _; s8 @% Z
  reconciliation account 调节[协调]帐户( `& z, a7 a' J' X$ }* Y
  reconciling bank account 核对银行存款帐户, 调节银行存款帐户
. Y# E) `2 u; F3 }2 e+ D: x7 |: \  regional account 计算国民收入的地区帐户
9 j0 R  w, A1 e  regular bank account 普通银行存款户$ P+ Z- s* t, X7 F3 I" u
  reliable account 可靠帐户
7 I/ ]! u0 `. W% k7 c9 o$ ^  remit account 划帐& V8 d/ B4 s) L  L7 |6 K
  render account 开出帐目; 结帐; 送呈帐单
& C; z; f7 i( N  render an account 开送帐单; 报帐
& q: d. t- I8 {7 h, u  rent account 租金帐2 `  R/ \7 Y$ u5 R9 a- _& U% ?% Q
  repair and maintenance account 修缮费帐
" b0 Z8 s; N* x3 J% q0 o  k  reserve account 公积金帐; 准备金帐户/ l' O7 S  n9 l3 I0 n# E& J
  reserve fund account 储备基金帐户3 P; Y2 I! I/ t3 E& {  H
  residential account 居民帐户(住在本国居民的帐户)* t( W' d' n" m* `
  returned purchases account 进货退出[回]帐
5 Q" F' k0 V% a! \% Y  returned sales account 销货退回帐户
' E3 y0 n6 y9 A( f0 L9 i  revaluation account 重估价帐户
8 K; C# G1 V- ?+ O* Y$ w# ~9 [  revenue account 营业收入帐户[会计], 收益帐, 进款帐
% x* l8 C0 p: ?' t8 V5 K% r  revenue and expenditure account 出入[收支]帐目& U0 E  V( y6 k: }
  revolving funds account 周转资金帐
$ k( {! P' k& z4 F  run up an account 赊欠, 挂账; 负债; 登账
+ d- G* N' @+ ?. \( x" W  running account 流水[往来]帐户
. `0 O* W6 ]' S8 q* V% r  sale on account 赊销7 ], h/ L( M, B4 L5 ~4 H
  salvage account 残废料帐户+ O2 S2 T; c) X. f
  savings account 储蓄帐户  U$ @2 y6 X/ e8 m* a& c7 ]2 X& M
  secondary account 附属帐户, 次级帐户  I+ a! J! C' P: C3 Z
  sector accounts 部门帐户  W& ^9 A+ w" [, V4 @4 j5 _
  secured accounts 担保帐户[款]" @7 p6 \' }% G
  securities account 证券帐户
* N% Z+ M3 a# ?% L$ w+ y  send in an account 开送帐单; 报帐
) X* H$ R) ]! u# K( x# m/ q6 M4 F  separate account 专帐8 Z3 Q- Z! k1 u% m& D$ y' y
  sequestered account 根据法院命令查封的帐户; K) ]2 G: s3 e- J% Q+ I
  service account 劳务帐
* ?# I) a# w1 n% ^  _1 P# X  settle another's account 垫帐
1 e: M1 H% G& X  share draft account 股金提款帐户6 \7 O* C9 t/ h8 L, \
  short account 抛空[卖空]帐户
- Q& e& c1 I) Z9 j1 W: Y  short landing account 短卸帐单! i7 V( ^! K/ u6 E7 G0 ]
  short period cost account 短期成本帐户& \4 E& H( }' O" f  X
  simple cost account 品别成本帐户
" T/ c0 c3 L4 u8 i0 f  single account 个人帐户+ x) S. V& w8 u, ]
  skeleton accounts T 字形帐户/ ?# [$ i! h- h$ [; D
  sleeping account 停滞帐目
( O' `& `% B! T- ^( m. ?  small saving account 零星蓄储存款$ c/ @6 m# [) h% V+ t+ @9 T
  society account 社团帐户
+ r4 G6 s# }4 X* y2 Z  special account 专用帐户; 特种帐单
. R4 m. A' i2 F7 ^- V& p  special account for traffic revenue 运输收入专户
- m. `* @" c" I2 }4 ?3 L' t) r" h  special current account 特别往来存款
! V3 e* f" z7 }) V# h  special drawing account 特别提款权帐户% a1 t) Y6 U$ @* ^5 n3 x
  special fund appropriation accounts 特种基金拨款帐户
$ v; i% P, I/ G; e  special fund receipt accounts 特种基金收入帐户$ o% R( _! Z$ h7 B/ Z. J  q/ V
  special surplus account 特别公积金帐户, 特别准备金
% A# Y& I0 m, z3 p, h  ?  s8 K2 ~  specified account 专用帐户; 特种帐单& q2 Y$ v; L% K6 Z) Z+ P- a& d1 b
  standing job accounts 经常工作帐户
  N4 K; {0 ~$ k4 K" L; P  state appropriation account 国家拨款帐户2 q9 J( |& q: E5 q; Q, b
  statistical account 统计帐户
# s6 Z9 f3 f* I, U% N  stock account 存货帐, 股份或股本帐目, 资本帐% m( k8 ~7 P! h( j! b# r
  stock record account 库存记录帐; [! s' u+ b. }5 w5 e
  storage charge account 存储费帐% B: _; H" b, R6 @6 ^( A3 Y0 f0 B
  store imprest account 备用材料帐) o9 v, ?- h5 |) Z! D
  sub-control account 局部统制帐户
* X7 @; Q- v( `9 _6 @  subscriber's account 用户帐单
* ]1 u0 u! V) r* W5 z: m  subsidiary ledger accounts 辅助[明细]分类帐户
4 x, Q2 n# K0 g6 u5 I1 c! \  substitution account 替代帐户
7 f& W( |; i9 ^" a5 _7 o0 B  successor account 备付帐户# V! A% {. r" \' T( s' [
  summary account 汇总帐户

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