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[FECT综合考试] 金融英语综合辅导:常用词汇翻译17

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  161.教育应是应试教育还是素质教育:Education: Examination-oriented or Quality-oriented
% t2 U. T+ j! J" F! O/ g9 v; ~% Y  162.提倡创新精神:Develop Our Creative Mind
" {' |/ r6 m+ w9 I3 K; P  163.计算机辅助教学:CAI/Computer Assisted Instruction! n2 [1 W5 |; ~5 h/ L
  164.自动取款机的利与弊:Advantages and Disadv antages of the ATM" X, ^- p( T( w4 m: Q, o
  165.展望廿一世纪:Looking Forward to the 21st Century" N4 J" t$ T3 z, J7 j+ p
  166.盗版问题:Problem of Piracy
) ]9 {, Y2 o6 J1 c* `$ n# b. r  167.学会如何学习:Learn How to Learn* p/ d! M& A4 R; J! t  t: s2 N$ A
  168.假文凭:Fake Diplomas
% {0 v& P) Q  u. X8 @  169.书的不良影响:My View on the Negative Effects of Books- x4 Z3 l/ G) u, N0 ^1 ]3 ]
  170.人们为什么热衷于摸彩票?:Why Do People Like to Try Their Luck on Lottery?

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