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[FECT综合考试] 金融英语综合辅导:WTO英语(22)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
What products do you want to purchase this time?; }9 ?: O8 z* v! o% e
& E) M! K2 k4 g: k/ gWe should like to purchase Shanghai printed pure silk fabrics.2 h4 [  _" l1 [5 t& C
我们想买些上海出产的真丝印花绸。! B% m0 T/ D$ a4 D) O3 w
This is our inquiry. Would you like to have a look?4 @) o* c: ~- b; e
这是询价单,请您看一下。% i% R- V- C2 ~1 N
We hope that we can do substantial business with you in this line.
3 ?' f/ O: M% ]- d. z5 E我们希望能在这方面和你们大量成交。; `' |& K3 T$ F2 m
substantial large in amount; considerable 数目大的; 可观的:0 ?, ]. Y4 F3 w  W  T
* a substantial improvement, decrease 相当大的改善、 缩减% n; f; `. J- l! P( Q+ _; }) j
* Her contribution to the discussion was substantial. 她在讨论中做了很多工作。
' y2 I% t4 \3 c# }  t( ]9 w& E* obtain a substantial loan 获得大笔贷款。1 D' D5 t$ k* c+ w
Have you got the catalogue for this line?& }8 y3 x) I# z5 {( P  p" k& j
你们有这方面的样本吗?6 e3 ^' Y5 q: |9 F; C0 `
It is the printed pure silk fabrics produced in Shanghai.) P5 H5 u0 q- R- E, b* A
这是上海出产的真丝印花绸。: Q& k4 T) g- e+ v8 M  K
I think these patterns are quite good.- P$ W0 n& `1 C0 A  j
我觉得这几个品种的花色不错。6 ]! F' U2 m1 T+ N& j: r
Have you read our leaflet?
- @8 y. L* Z7 l% H我们的商品销售说明书您看了吧?& u: G1 U6 a5 q" _- s; K
What type do you want to order?, @8 \! d! E" b
( o4 d! Y1 a) l( q9 QWe are thinking of placing an order for D6C.
% S1 }9 v& E  K/ `我们考虑订购D6C型的。
! j4 K9 m/ j' }What is the total weight of this kind of bulldozer?
, n6 `" d/ p1 {' h* x5 Q7 A这种型号的推土机总重量是多少?; U3 o3 u3 |; b7 q2 q
The total weight of the bulldozer is 14 tons.
5 v1 X* F  m/ t& p! Z这种推土机的总重量是十四(14)吨。
  }4 m; _# Y' x6 c3 t) D. C( ]5 fWhat is the distinguishing feature of the bulldozer?
  G$ H( x$ S: c7 h/ X这种推土机有什么特点?
7 p$ L! T2 I7 I; G. D! p" ~The bulldozer can be handled easily.
6 t" S: ~7 T0 N/ B$ H这种推土机操纵方便。
; a4 t3 E7 O$ u+ O  v$ v! ^( @! r2 N4 h9 u8 A& ~/ D
Have you got the one which has an output of 150 horsepower?

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:38 | 显示全部楼层


</p>你们有没有输出功率是一百五十(150)马力的?2 a$ F5 p% f8 g$ P, K1 n, a- \
We are in a position to accept a special order.
* _+ e& C+ |& Q) d' B我们可以接受特殊订货。  ?9 C4 [8 X; z2 |' n
Will you please let us have an idea of your price?
. S* C/ d% _. ]; x/ c请您介绍一下你方的价格,好吗?8 g% D. S& P2 @
This is our latest price list.2 v, v" G6 x4 C) k: a9 H4 i
1 I9 Y4 |- E  @# U' w1 DOur price is highly competitive.. P( r% Q; K2 ?7 i
我方价格极有竞争性。  B2 R* S& W' C- z5 |+ S
Can you tell me the prices of these goods?
1 E/ {) n0 [) P! }你们是不是报一下这些产品的价格?& U# e; b% ]* k) v$ W/ c4 z! U( w
Would you please give us an approximate idea of the quantity you require.
& i. K5 s4 t" P9 i; n. N0 E你们先谈一下大概要订多少。
; m5 d) B; \: l7 v! N" K9 ~The size of our order depends greatly on your price.$ C% O0 c( q+ n# V& g0 i& u
我们要订的数量,很大程度上取决于你方的价格。* E1 w  F+ s+ m- b
I think it's better for you to quote us your price first.8 o4 Z4 y) g+ q) p+ s  H3 ~
还是你方先报价吧。0 A1 f) g7 @7 Z+ H
I'd like to have your lowest quotation C.I.F. San Francisco.
; L( `  C( @7 A, C- G. y7 i希望你们报一个C.I.F旧金山的最低价。
. e7 }1 A+ ?2 p: ?6 _0 UWould you please tell us the quantity you require so as to enable us to work out the offer?/ T; m; w9 ~% _2 W# n
/ n) \7 q, e0 Q* G$ }" O/ `Can you give us an indication of your price?. q! B9 r# ?! C) n, e7 `
请你们先提出一个估计价格吧!- _( }; \2 K! P7 I$ i& P
The price for this commodity is US$400 per piece CIF San Francisco.
. E- Z) e( P, f; P5 O& I5 f这种产品C.I.F.旧金山的价格是四百(400)美元一台。
# W$ f) F' {, |6 hIs this your CIF quotation?% g+ ~5 q' D0 L* U, H
0 Z: U" ]9 {- d  _& n7 L- BThis is our FOB quotation sheet.
6 o. o6 {; _+ f" w! E8 l" Z0 z这是我们的F.O.B.价格单。
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