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[FECT综合考试] 金融英语综合辅导:WTO英语(19)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Our manager would like to meet you.
8 s$ Q5 e( U; L! C/ N我们经理想和你们见见面。+ N3 }, l; ^  a- ^
Our manager would like to invite you to a dinner party this evening at the Beijing Roast Duck Restaurant." x" M  T: j+ G& A3 L
今晚我们经理想请你们去北京烤鸭店吃饭。" z+ @0 s! p7 o/ q/ N- B
We are going to give a dinner party at the Beijing Hotel this evening and would like to invite you all.
! Y( d2 C+ `& b. V5 F+ V今晚我们在北京饭店请客,请各位光临。) @  ?3 s, `0 l' E- d, ]% F. W" K
If it's convenient, would you please tell your manager that he is invited.
4 H* W+ R% j, K如果方便的话,请您转告经理一下,请他光临。, J" G, Q1 G1 O! V4 k+ O
If you are free, please come and join us.
6 I- n* E  p; t+ s8 K/ t; r* G如果您有时间的话,请光临。* \/ |$ k1 u8 E/ l# J  ^
Here is your invitation card.3 L' e6 O# X; K% ^1 S
这是给你们的请帖。: g6 w# K) F0 S, ?/ u! B
We'll meet you at the gate of the hotel at six this evening., Q; z; s6 V1 v+ v- g
晚上六点,我们在饭店门口等你们。* t6 L0 F' C7 e; {1 A
Thank you for your invitation., W/ D: ]0 A- D  I' ^& H( Y  X
7 K7 ?  C- U, Q% T; K8 V& n' h6 yI'll certainly come if I have time.
; \1 }9 O1 j, P8 D; T, T3 G如果有空儿,我一定去。
9 [8 S" |+ u3 {5 d, oIs this the service counter of the restaurant?
1 B( U: R( j/ m( q3 ^餐厅服务台吗?
3 ~6 `+ t$ A1 [% k  S" v) H2 @' iCan I reserve a table for eight people?5 e2 `" j: }$ h& j( X; R
请预订一桌八个人的酒席。/ G& k) U  m0 D2 W% V, r
Do you like to have Chinese food or Western food?5 ]3 J% |( l4 n6 b3 O
3 @9 O$ K2 c! b# N" m- J/ S

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:38 | 显示全部楼层


</p>We'd like to have Chinese food and pay ten yuan a head.$ d1 D0 w  z' d" b/ I( |/ b/ S% E
我们要中餐,每人十块钱。  y9 u3 ?+ B( H. O3 [
Welcome. Please sit down.7 f' G* W  c- h: |9 ~/ R5 ]7 t8 }/ V
5 a1 ~! g, v2 F2 c  r6 OThank you very much for preparing such a splendid dinner specially for us.
7 l, g- d1 B6 z7 g0 q7 L7 U4 q你们专门为我们准备了这么丰盛的宴席,十分感谢。. }! {5 `: d5 S. L( N
This food is a Sichuan specialty. Help yourself, please.* R% l# p9 Z" g0 U+ i4 J
这是四川名菜,请大家不必客气。2 b. n! `7 v; J
Make yourself at home and eat it while it's hot.2 U  b; F7 h3 a. f, ?: R
大家趁热吃,别客气。. G- x7 ?: {* w3 z& }
May I ask, what line are you in?
9 t# u" _4 |8 U! T- j- a: j" w请问,您一向做什么生意?! t* i: C8 j0 B4 s
I mainly deal in Chinese crafts.
7 S+ b2 p$ O: j1 n  g  e* A1 F主要经营中国工艺品。1 T0 K# ~4 R9 d0 P# `) n: o
You can talk the business over with Mr. Wang who is in charge of this line.  X: \' Z" ]- }  V
& _9 z5 @! f$ n; ~We'd appreciate your kind consideration in the coming negotiation.
6 {* N2 p8 z+ {. y. t7 i7 }0 a洽谈中请您多多关照。
9 ?; a* J7 Q( t" t8 `4 i% PLet's hope for good cooperation between us.
9 k( `+ x2 }' R5 d9 C: L希望我们能很好地合作。
; w1 R" @) f( A( j( m$ o( Z1 F) ~I wish a brisk business for you all and a continued development in our business dealings!
0 ?: j5 k6 Y0 f. }祝大家生意兴隆,买卖越做越好!+ a7 Y, X% g9 H4 e
brisk / brisk; brisk/ adj (-er, -est)& L, C7 U; i6 ?1 Y% G
1 quick; active; energetic 敏捷的; 活泼的; 精神饱满的:
* G5 `+ v( Y$ q4 i' r6 C* a brisk walk, walker 轻快的散步、 走路轻快的人! n' ]) H; N4 P! q4 h* w' s, ~
* at a brisk pace 以轻快的步伐
# Q# g" N0 I( y# e- C) @. x* a brisk and efficient manner 胜任愉快的样子
! H" s' p0 r, {( E: N4 O# h, s* Business is brisk today. 今天生意兴隆。$ ]) d, ^6 t, K( v% U$ G
2 giving a healthy feeling; refreshing 令人爽快的; 清新的:
6 C; g2 T* Z5 F6 `" c* a brisk breeze 清新的微风。
5 w' I+ F4 F+ K1 w8 p5 Q/ t> briskly adv. briskness n [U].
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