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[FECT综合考试] 金融英语综合辅导:WTO英语(16)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 disc like a coin used to operate certain machines or as a form of payment (用以启动某些机器或用作付款形式的)代币, 专用辅币: Tokens for the cigarette machine are available at the bar. 在柜台可以买到供自动售烟机使用的代币。( a: r; U* w; i) i+ J, g
* milk tokens, ie (in Britain) bought from the milkman and left on the doorstep to pay for the milk delivered 牛奶票(送奶人出售的票证, 购者用以付送奶费, 可置于门外)。
! Y6 r5 o- j" [# J2 O. V3 (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) voucher or coupon, usu attached to a greetings card, which can be exchanged for goods of the value shown 赠券; 礼券:- a' G' ^9 o8 a. W' N  {) F
* a 10 `book/`record/`gift token 金额10英镑的书券[唱片券/礼券].
/ k! y& @/ v. ^# |in token of sth as evidence of sth 作为某事的证据:0 {( p% z5 k7 {$ T$ g" S
* Please accept this gift in token of our affection for you. 请接受这一礼物, 这是我们微薄的情意。
+ F9 I( o3 [- P2 x; zI'm sorry to say we can’t close business at that price. Aren't we old friends?
8 W" u" e9 f2 m3 F. P% v+ u我很抱歉,以这样的价格我们无法成交。我们都是老朋友了吧!$ Q: E, X. {  n8 I$ b' Z
Well, in view of our good cooperation over the past years, we can take some considerations, but only for this order.8 k+ x' U) _) X) _
% s3 N. K) T0 }! Z, r4 OThen how much can you go down?
$ m& }$ N1 Z. }那么你能减多少?; ]6 {, l' t# x0 z3 @
1% off the original price.7 l, @9 R8 ^/ t3 D* U7 ]
; k: M' n6 r5 F1%! Your reduction is too modest. What about 4%?
, v3 E7 U8 [9 w& p. X' G+ J4 G  o1%! 你的降价幅度太小了。4%怎么样?
! `# \' C2 P8 X! N+ pOther companies are also saying that their products are the best.! k4 k& v5 F+ R  j( }- Q. \4 _
3 N+ l! Z* B& A" w' J% ~Let's meet each other half way. I’ll cut another 5%. That's definitely my rock bottom price.. a" Z* l* X5 @4 c) F* ^
1 `2 a  e7 j; f1 ]2 j2 Y2 Z+ T4 R3 Drock-`bottom n [sing] (used without a/the 不用a/the) lowest point 最低点:! `9 B7 ~: Y4 g! h
* Prices have reached rock-bottom. 物价已下降到最低点。
0 @* `* @" \! C* J( y* [attrib 作定语] ,rock-bottom (ie bargain) `prices 最低的价格。8 e3 ^( \: D4 \4 W/ x; C: h+ {
All right. That's settled.
- a' v8 E7 h$ d6 m好吧。就这么定了。
' J. ~0 o& W8 {* S; gUnfortunately your price appears to be higher than ever.' Z. n/ n# v+ H
$ W: q9 j) E9 o& m. l  B0 J3 K" |8 _. VYes, we know. Because of the price hike in raw materials, we were forced to adjust our prices accordingly.
4 |- E9 h7 w% ?4 q是的,我们知道。但由于原材料涨价,我们不得不相应调整产品的价格。
2 L- r" p( ~* B9 [! g3 dhike : (infml 口) rise in prices, costs, etc (价格、 价值等的)提高, 增加:
5 M/ c  w2 @8 ?1 `2 H* The union demands a 7% wage hike. 工会要求提高工资7%.3 p; w: d/ p8 w9 b7 e
Then what's your idea of a good price?% |. q0 e! L; a4 Q, R. _
那你觉得什么价格合适?& H+ `: C$ O5 `. a5 c0 l0 W% D
I would say 20% off the listed price.- ]9 x# N5 C$ p
标价减20%.: y( r- m* p) v8 n! U# o# U9 j$ J% o
Impossible. We won't make any profit at that price. 10% is the best we can do.
6 N( ^3 e1 C, Q- Z( p* K* B那不可能。这样我们就无钱可赚了。最多降10%.) n2 ]9 Y( z4 K: \0 W
It's still too high.
0 b, W( e1 m% o6 `) e) J还是太高。
% L# b# B  K8 y; _$ EOur quality is far beyond comparison. Besides, the market is advancing. Our goods can always find a good sale.* J% q# l+ b6 [! q1 d/ h! U
我们的质量是无与伦比的。而且行情上涨,我们的货物销路一直很好。. Z0 t( Z, U& ^3 B9 A3 W# O- b5 k7 Y
We are surprised to find that your price is 25% higher compared with other companies.
' j' r" I  f# B发现你们的价格比其他公司的高25%,我们很吃惊。
! w2 f$ y; D+ B' j25%? You can't be serious!
4 o% j0 Z0 n8 F3 M$ j( n25%? 你不是开玩笑吧!% J  v& |5 N/ X& D
That has been confirmed by our survey. I'm afraid I’ll have to cancel the deal unless you reduce your price.
& E% C* L4 n7 h6 x/ d4 T! c我们调查证实过了。恐怕我将不得不取消这笔生意,除非您降价。. G$ c" B' |9 ?2 t. x
But you know fully well that our product is of superior quality. Other products can't be compared with it.
2 \1 K8 S5 k% g1 @+ W+ n. Y. W但您很了解我们的产品质量上乘,其他产品无法与之相比。4 v3 V) j: G; K; _
True. But it's also a fact that your price is too high.  ?( w# d6 {" h
* U7 X  [2 d9 HBut even for such products we have minimum quality requirements that must be met.2 R3 L3 v: h$ b8 `; @  R7 _
  M7 U6 P( u2 pIndeed, they are not bad, indeed. Do you do them in any other colours?& ]: b* Z/ k( m1 W+ [/ @' s
- R3 w+ _* t" W/ F. M' ], V2 F  {6 GYes, there is dark blue, light grey, desert tan, all available in a full range of sizes.* F$ O" |/ F- |' t3 _( O
有的,还有深蓝、浅灰、土黄 — 这些颜色尺码都齐全。0 l# |  ^$ _7 o; P+ B; I7 b9 E
range [C] group or series of similar things; selection or variety 成套或成系列的东西; 种类:
4 d. y% t( ]) A( [5 B- I& V* sell/stock a whole range of tools, dresses, foods 出售[备有]各种各样的工具、 服装、 食品
3 k+ c  r/ p2 E' E( |* The new model comes in an exciting range of colours. 这种新式样有各种鲜艳的颜色。
, `* `8 h' k4 {* W4 q& H8 }. g/ |# H3 ]5 y4 H5 B
* have a wide/narrow range of interests, hobbies, etc 兴趣、 爱好等甚广[不广].

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:38 | 显示全部楼层


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