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[FECT综合考试] 金融英语综合辅导:代发工资业务2

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  29 u- n: m: q! g/ G3 m9 h: E
  A:Hello,Xiao Wang!What is the payroll agency service of your bank?, b* L9 i, {, o3 F3 ]& N3 c1 S& n
  B:Well,based on entrustment agreement,our bank may pay the employees' salaries for any corporations.
4 G3 ]: ~/ b6 P9 u  A:That's great.What payment methods do you provide?
! g% Y% L! B8 j# D0 x# E$ E) W3 K" R2 q  B:We have your real-paid salaries entered into your employees' real-name accounts in compliance with your instructions.
; ^, y- l5 Y8 M; t  A:Is there any alternatives?& a9 a4 E3 C$ Q* Z
  B:We may make payment in cash,that is to say,the employees get their salaries directly at the counter of our bank, or the employees'salaries are transferred to any appointed current savings accounts.0 U+ }$ [8 i1 X% i
  A:Then which method is suitable for our corporation?
2 |3 i" o  R; Q! ~2 V% v  B:We shall make various payments for your needs based on different conditions of your corporation.' G3 s% y4 K% U; ~4 S1 r. |
  A:We'll sign the agreement with you tomorrow.
/ T& w  t% `/ e7 @  F0 N  B:Thank you for selecting our bank!
7 E% ^, D; O$ N7 Y. c" h  A:您好,小王。贵行提供的代发工资业务是怎么回事?* @4 [: z& ~- [- X0 g
5 U" r# y" R% C  A:那太好了。代发工资的方式有哪些?
- y& C0 e% k" D' t4 L  B:我行根据贵单位指令直接将工资转入职工的实名账户。. a$ O3 y2 |, `8 w% }
; F# ~4 m/ m) [5 T  d+ |# F! |; p  B:我行可以现金发放,也就是说,由职工直接到银行柜面领取工资,或者职工工资也可以划入指定的活期储蓄账户。
& _% e9 P" h9 X  ~  A:对于我们单位来说,哪一种方式合适呢?
  k" d9 N# z; M% H6 H  \7 X$ `  B:我行会根据贵单位的不同情况采用不同的发放方式,满足你们的需要。3 u& h! R" k; J  g, }3 V
  A:明天我公司和贵行签协议。* d' k, g1 o% S

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