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[FECT综合考试] 金融英语其他备考辅导:如何阅读英文案例2

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  L. Ed. U.S. Supreme Court Decisions, Lawyers' Edition 美国最高法院案例汇编,律师版2 z+ e" j% z' _3 G6 z9 Y
  L. Ed. 2d. U.S. Supreme Court Decisions, Lawyers Edition, 2d Series 美国最高法院案例汇编,律师版第二辑
3 g5 q" k+ V) H- e% K( y* Y  N. E. Northeastern Reporter 东北汇编7 Q: b) D  k& P5 p+ f
  N. E. 2d. Northeastern Reporter, 2d Series 东北汇编第二辑4 k- q, s* F$ n/ q
  N. W. Northwestern Reporter 西北汇编
) g* G! [! x9 L  f& @2 v  J  N. W. 2d. Northwestern Reporter, 2d Series 西北汇编第二辑& j2 d+ \  }3 t* P5 T, x6 ]7 H
  N. Y. S. New York Supplement 纽约补充案例
- U3 c2 O; z! ^$ ?# q1 [* G  N. Y. S. 2d. New York Supplement, 2d Series 纽约补充案例第二辑7 K- n0 Y2 |8 w! c/ i
  Pacific Reporter 太平洋汇编/ h; m6 Q# W1 ~" k
  2d. Pacific Reporter, 2d Series 太平洋汇编第二辑
9 {6 ^0 x9 b  b- k+ @  S. Ct. Supreme Court Reporter 最高法院案例汇编
3 ]. ^4 x% R- C  S. E. Southeastern Reporter 东南汇编. g: e4 v# g* }2 m) T. W# t2 K
  BS. E. 2d. Southeastern Reporter, 2d Series 东南汇编第二辑) P# a9 }7 {. @' r
  So. Southern Reporter 南方汇编
+ g$ q% [. s# R- ]; q' S  So. 2d. Southern Reporter, 2d Series 南方汇编第二辑0 [( y# I/ _; |+ g6 V; }# _; L9 e9 r
  QS. W. Southwestern Reporter 西南汇编) |3 _6 _0 S. X7 t( r
  S. W. 2d. Southwestern Reporter, 2d Series 西南汇编第二辑
, g! E# Q& _; K1 T/ k& c; N! j  U. S. United States Reports 美国案例汇编2 N% j7 W3 ?* [" Q0 C6 W" w: e
  再举两例说明,例如:Morgan v. United States, 298 U.S.468, 56 S. Ct 906, 80L.Ed. 1288 (1936) 表示:摩根诉美国,收集在美国案例汇编第298卷,468页开始;最高法院案例汇编第56卷906页开始;美国最高法院案例汇编律师版第80卷,1288页开始,1936年判决。 For example, a popular name for a Supreme Court case is:
$ m6 U( F( M% \1 W, y  Which translates as Plaintiff versus Defendant
, S; U6 W4 q4 g  [2 ]' K1 _4 U0 {  原告 罗 诉 被告魏德
  f8 [& ~7 W; W  |6 A) M2 J  The official citation for this Supreme Court decision is:' C' }5 o+ q- C% `
  410 U.S. 113
+ K- t! M# n+ o( o2 D$ ~  Which translates as Volume 410 United Stated Reports Page 113
0 k  y4 M* E$ K* n1 m  c. ?2 O  410卷 美国案例汇编 113页
2 k" ^3 K4 K/ U& M3 }# B5 I  There are several different publishers for legal documents such as court decisions. (Libraries usually only carry one of these published versions.) These publishers may be referred to in parallel citations for this case.* l: _) ^4 [  S: I& t: k8 u$ T& j6 d
  例如,该案的平行汇编是:8 D$ o; ~  p, k! l
  93 S. Ct. 705; o/ E; [; w& R& \! V- m* o
  Which translates as Volume 93 Supreme Court Reporter Page 705, g76 o7 u) C( E+ q- w
  第93卷 最高法院案例汇编 705页4 ]
5 f& ]' _1 y6 I3 N  Or
& o* n0 ~8 H* [/ s: x# h  35 L. Ed. 2d 147! U8 f) n  u$ x: W
  Which translates as Volume 35 U.S. Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers Edition, 2nd Series Page 147第35卷 美国最高法院案例汇编律师版第二辑 147页& s6 [  }' |# t- k2 O
  该案完整的卷宗号(full citation)就是:
- Q# \% [' r1 A: K; \$ u/ h/ l  Roe v. Wade 410 U.S. 113 93 S. Ct. 705 35 L. Ed. 2d.147 1972
) j% ^# N3 [: e% e3 ^# P  Case name Official citation Parallel citation parallel citation Date of opinion

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