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[FECT综合考试] 金融英语热点:APEC-Terms亚太经济合作组织

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  金融英语热点:APEC-Terms亚太经济合作组织,Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation a 21 member international organization representing the interests of the Asia-Pacific region.' [3 E: ~: H, p, ^
  APEC' o" m0 l  A. ^/ z/ \, _
  亚太经济合作组织(APEC)8 F7 w& ~  \" c4 r4 t
  Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation a 21 member international organization representing the interests of the Asia-Pacific region.
+ ~0 h' N2 j0 Q* s: V% b$ q: G* U: L  亚太经济合作组织。一个代表亚洲—太平洋地区利益的有21个成员国的国际组织。来源:www..com
5 }# r( A2 Q! O$ Q2 q: r( P. b+ N  Asian Tigers
% h: H0 p6 e3 \/ y  亚洲四小龙" \$ ]0 c& b' z( A1 P; V- D
  Economies of Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore. They significantly developed between the 1960s and 1990s.' l: ~7 y' |: P1 c8 V7 Z- ?4 F3 y$ ~& c0 ]
. G3 x) A: ^# t# w& J' {  Economic Leaders' Meeting+ i8 c+ @7 E- A6 p. v+ A
/ r' G% s( X7 O  An annual meeting where the top economic leaders from member countries meet to discuss issues.
0 Y" v  A' {5 H* t3 c; e1 D3 B  成员国的顶级经济领袖讨论问题的年会。; l0 y1 j; V+ c5 b9 G! P( G
  APEC Ministerial Meetings- D# d7 a( p: ]5 F) s* t
  亚太经济合作组织部长会议! z. @# V) h8 M- }* V% z
  Annual meeting where Ministers meet to develop and fund work programs for the committees.
) p. ~- p6 {( I7 |" b  部长们为发展和支持委员会工作计划而每年举行的会议。2 t9 K# r5 b6 I) X% S5 Q
  Senior Officials Meetings( ?8 A; K7 j  q- n! w/ T
  高级官员会议7 K% H+ _, M! G5 p
  Where senior APEC officials meet to discuss committee and working groups‘ progress.( l  {  j. N& T$ ~5 U3 }
( P& T/ h, K4 s5 K5 k8 d  APEC Business Advisory Council% l9 `# ^7 f, Y! ?! z: E  v
  ABAC(亚太经济合作组织商务咨询理事会). v7 ?- v( w# W4 d
  Established in 1995, ABAC is a permanent council that advises APEC officials on the impact of the private sector concerning open trade and investment in Asia Pacific.) e. I8 p% e  \0 L* |5 N7 s; J
  成立于1995年,ABAC 是APEC官员在涉及亚太地区开放贸易和投资的私有领域发生冲突时提出建议的长任理事会。: B7 j; X% k" i! ?9 H8 r0 B
  APEC Study Centers Consortium2 r+ v0 W7 Q* |0 K; E% s- {
& e/ a3 a* _# N% e+ w" x/ u  Collectively funded body that promotes higher education, research and training.0 k: k& Q& P. T' ?3 s" @3 I

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