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[FECT综合考试] 世界金融专家讲座:第1讲(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  and we have a form of that here in australia when we had the holey dollar .... when we had a coin with a hole in the middle because there was a shortage of metal." a1 K0 A. t5 O0 U$ W5 w8 D" d
/ c/ `2 _! H8 u8 ^) A6 N: Q: K7 o  and in those days, spanish coins were used a lot. sometimes stores used certain tokens because there was a shortage of actual coinage. and then there is money as we know it today in notes and coins - plastic notes.
0 J- s' V$ [  \  那时候西班牙硬币广为流通。有时商店里因为没有足够的硬币而使用一些代用币。后来就有了我们现在使用的纸钞、硬币,还有塑料钞票。* g0 x: {+ E3 Q: _- c) F" d/ j
  and of course, if we were doing this program in a hundred years time we might talk about quaint little things called money, notes and coins, because all we'd be using would be plastic card.' D4 S  B4 }* G8 g
3 ^8 F8 J. r, O; j  下面再请您完整收听一遍澳大利亚财经记者卡鲁关于货币历史的介绍。(略)0 z* d9 T6 g) A+ u
2 L$ u& q6 R& c9 _" l$ W  we look at the functions of money. firstly it's a medium of exchange, so it's some commodity which facilitates the exchange of goods and services.
. X% b* u1 a) W( E  it is also a unit of account, which means that we use money to reckon prices and reckon values for comparisons between goods and services or over time.
) v: ^7 y& x4 K+ X& ~7 X  and thirdly, money is a store of value. it is an asset. it's something that we can use to store value away to be retrieved at a later point in time. so we can not consume today, we can hold money instead - and transfer that consumption power to some point in the future.
5 I& t& f# T4 b1 Z  }% [7 S  哈珀教授授说,货币的三个功能是:; p8 V9 [' g: O: s
  1 medium of exchange 交换媒介  2 unit of account 计算单位  3 store of value 价值储存手段; R9 O8 U! b4 a* N, E" |
  下面是哈珀教授讲话的中文翻译:6 B" @9 @% O0 N% o
. e) u$ V& W: L2 v; r  下面请再听一遍墨尔本大学商学院哈珀教授介绍的货币的三个功能。(略)
' _( `7 ]" J* O) l. P# d! W, |  最后我们复习一遍这一讲中出现的一些英文 词汇 :: b& |# N3 Z# t" Y4 k3 U" \. X
  1 precious metal 贵重金属  2 sweating the money 从钱币里提取贵重金属成分  3 token 辅币,具有象征性的货币,代表的价值高于本身的价值  4 plastic note 塑料钞票  5 plastic card 信用卡,也叫 credit card  6 medium of exchange 交换媒介  7 unit of account 计算单位  8 store of value 价值储存手段
# X8 ?# J# }' x6 z3 P% p  在这一讲中我们为您简单介绍了货币的历史和功能。在下一讲中我们要请专家谈谈货币的特性和名义货币,欢迎您收听。

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