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[FECT综合考试] 金融英语综合辅导:Stock Exchange证券交易所

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Stock Exchange $ T6 l7 o) i* D# x
An organized market in which various types of securities are traded by members of the exchange.
" ?7 @, K/ X4 b- {$ H& I证券交易所7 i5 Z  t# q5 Q+ Y6 E  g
' X2 I( \; T& G  O: a0 t7 iStock Exchange, New York
( [1 s1 z5 r5 u  I0 A2 x4 {! XEstablished in 1792, the largest physical stock exchange in the world.
0 x+ j. h% C% W# i8 [+ k纽约证券交易所
( s9 N( L2 O/ Q! \- z' F" D0 u成立于1792年。世界上最大的证券交易所。
: r5 R) s. w' sNASDAQ$ l7 r3 t$ \5 p* z! s
The National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation system. It is the largest computerized stock exchange in the world.
5 {, i$ q' o7 B8 Q' R纳斯达克
* z( n3 ?) W$ Z& F+ ~, Y8 Q全美证券交易商协会自动报价系统。世界上最大的计算机化交易系统。# p1 o% k% U# R/ A9 I
OTC Market (Over the Counter)  
# q1 Y2 h% ?; E" w5 qWhen securities are bought and sold on an exchange other than a registered stock exchange, they trade “over the counter.”$ O2 D1 p2 p" n, I" Z
OTC市场(场外市场) 8 s4 m4 J' J! p6 P/ I( G
2 ^; r2 a# K6 b2 [( h# q' [  dAuction System& z  r' f4 J/ }; z; Z1 N
An exchange system in which bids and offers are continuously posted on the exchange during the trading day by its members.5 b9 w/ v) ~/ t3 s1 y
拍卖系统 * ^8 C3 C: H6 `. O- S
在交易日中,买入和卖出信息不间断地由成员刊登在交易所内的交换系统。2 k: Y' T3 z$ q, {7 _/ ~" ~" Z- H
Negotiated Market
" u; ~0 V0 N1 \- ^( ], tAn exchange system in which principals and dealers negotiate with each other for the best price.
$ R5 b7 X0 y" {3 T议价市场/ n2 }9 P4 {, w
委托人和交易商互相谈判取得最佳价格的交易系统。7 R7 `: \  |8 d& f& T
Specialist 3 H' i8 e' ~5 X
A member of a registered stock exchange whose job it is to maintain a fair and orderly market.
/ f6 I9 K! A; v# m2 R  T专业交易员
1 X' k- @3 z  @7 @* ^/ ^3 Q登记证券交易所的工作人员,其工作是维持公平和有序的市场。
" y6 y: P2 n# }$ H2 ?+ r% ]Market Maker
5 I" Z) p7 O7 Y: @, rA dealer whose job it is to maintain a fair and orderly market on the NASDAQ and OTC markets.4 W9 E: O3 j1 ?3 M
3 m# _: r# U7 Q8 a( z# r( c在NASDAQ和OTC市场上维持公平有序市场的交易商。

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