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[FECT综合考试] 金融英语综合辅导:Market Theories市场理论

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Market Theory
* T0 w  e, y- y& QAn attempt to explain the price movement of securities and the performance of the markets in which they are traded.0 Y% `0 T- f+ u5 C- j) d& C+ h0 d
6 x0 [# [& i% W6 K! _5 S& V' g8 J试图解释证券价格运动和交易市场表现的理论。1 j3 i' ?% t* L" ]
1 }/ K* V2 a0 t% zThe general direction of momentum of a market or a security price.
" Q; K% e3 p, A8 r趋势 , P, L, a) ^& w5 T* H! L
市场或证券价格的一般趋势。 . _) D; }' k" U- C  W- }& g
DOW Theory6 j' I+ }! y0 g# A- m/ |3 r8 I4 J
A long-established technical market theory which considers, among other things, stock index averages.
; }. z4 u1 C2 ~道氏理论 + \8 n8 o$ i- p) h% X7 T
1 Z$ g- t/ l, dRandom Walk Theory( H6 o. e% o/ q% g2 x
Proposes that past prices are no indication of future market activity.
+ o2 q& {9 w# o$ r+ E随机漫步理论
" A+ Z' ~: C1 a, ]3 |认为过去的价格不影响将来的市场行为。& V8 E9 P% ?* z" b) [
Odd Lot Theory ! K, g7 c$ Y( V$ C0 W& r* q" U
Theorizes that the trading decisions of small investors trading fewer than 100 shares are usually wrong and is a contrary indicator.8 g- J5 |# L, n! r' e1 F
零股理论 8 T4 ~9 t& Z! a
- O+ z9 ?* H" O- g  ~Elliot Wave Theory& z+ m! P- u+ ^
A market theory based on number sequences suggesting market trends occur in predictable patterns.' r) Y$ o( U5 U$ w' \
+ g6 F+ @+ Y* d; W: }7 c  a: R基于被认为是可预测波中的市场趋势的数字序列的理论。
( ^$ l( _, k0 t$ v+ OBull Market
2 F! {6 {; K$ p) g* ]0 }! [$ S: LA prolonged upward trend in market prices represented by the image of a bull.
" H& c2 x9 H9 M1 t$ e/ J8 j0 e牛市 % H: x; d8 e2 a7 E9 e6 }
以牛的轮廓来代表的股价上升趋势。/ c/ ?( P3 ~' [$ s6 S+ h- x$ Q- j4 A
Bear Market) \" N) }% n- E
A prolonged downward trend in market prices represented by the image of a bear. , r# g' `9 {2 O
熊市 ' G  C/ H+ ], Z

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