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[FECT综合考试] 金融英语综合辅导:Fundamental Analysis基本面分析

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Fundamental Analysis
* y. s0 y- g& e+ }" T1 S. o1 P+ ~' jAnalysis of basic financial information of a company in order to predict the future price movements of its stock.
2 F0 M/ h' ^8 T/ l5 G/ y8 H基本面分析
3 O2 T% d. u& B2 L分析公司的基本信息,以预测其股价将来的变动。 + |) N5 V$ T# K1 I! c5 Y$ i8 v
Undervalued5 `' \7 M7 H$ W. ^
A security selling below its intrinsic value or below the market price which analysts determine it should have.; M2 J* W. i7 n  A
低估 , d4 B1 t! m9 d+ e
  ~: [: w0 D2 m5 b! l0 `5 k; ~! MGrowth Investor % E6 K& A/ [& ]& j# d$ T: |1 u
An investor who buys stocks for future growth and not for quick profits on undervalued companies.
# J8 j+ M( ?2 [- b成长型投资者
3 v& d; L* A/ `/ f0 k6 W4 ?购买股票是为了将来的增长而不是取得被低估公司的短期盈利的投资者。2 N- l9 Q+ I# m- j4 k! l( y
Value Investor
0 e1 N9 a7 D; b7 C: ^7 ?An investor who buys stock in companies which are undervalued in relation to their intrinsic or “real” value.7 W  q9 F" P# B9 \  P6 @
& O' Q1 o, R- b1 R; I购买价格相对于其真实价值被低估的股票的投资者。
: |* U" u$ c9 ^' T3 QBuy and Hold1 ^7 M# j; @( D- t/ w. q
Buying for long-term growth and profits regardless of intermediate fluctuations of the price of the security in the market.0 C! v3 M) E! b/ H) o! q
长期持有 7 f" |$ a3 ^/ j7 i
+ g7 _! a! x) X# \/ q: }5 y0 c: HQuantitative Analysis/ ^8 [1 ^3 ^) \; `$ \/ S
The use of company-specific numerical data when analyzing value.
( t6 I! @$ @0 A5 s9 b定量分析 ( b! W: z# `- Z) [
分析价值时使用针对不同公司的数字信息。 1 |) y: o- e7 r
Qualitative Analysis
0 h1 t) t' O9 |1 F7 U4 }Analysis of intangible factors such as management effectiveness or market innovation when determining value.6 p! s: n6 a- o  T& j: m- l8 i1 Z7 d" B
- `% {  H! A' I+ o, Z确定价值时分析管理效果、市场革新等不可见因素。/ m9 N- _; M! ]* e4 T5 ]
P/E (Price Earnings Ratio)) I. m1 E- Z: p4 w$ M
The price of a stock divided by its earnings per share. A low P/E usually indicates good value; a high P/E, an overvalued stock.7 d) n' C, V1 N" N, w: K7 ?4 h1 G
% m, o6 I4 S- b. r; O股价除以每股收益的值。低市盈率的股票表示价值较高,高市盈率股票往往被高估。 来源:考试大-fect考试

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