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[FECT综合考试] 金融英语综合辅导资料整理04

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Company PartnerAn entity or individual affiliated with a company through partnership or contract to assist the company in its business.' x8 V- ^/ _; u6 s7 j4 r$ u/ r
合作伙伴通过合作协议或合同与公司建立业务关系,为公司业务提供帮助的实体或个人。7 G( p; L- U3 l/ G) f2 v
Strategic PartnershipAn agreement with an individual or company that helps to raise capital or increase value through its industry and market connections.
' P; V1 o, d4 n( \" M* g# x战略伙伴通过双方的产业和市场联系与个人或公司签署的协议,目的是帮助公司募集资本、提升价值。
; r8 K4 X0 v( U Joint VentureFormal agreement between two parties to work on a project together.8 P! f; K! h8 n" f+ G7 H
% U5 {1 @5 Y% I8 m  i FranchiseAn arrangement whereby a company allows another to distribute its branded product or service under its name, for a fee.5 [' k* O3 {& q8 k  D
3 \% x4 T; Z" N  d Proprietary ProductA product owned by a company under a patent or copyright.
# T2 V0 P2 n+ A" B. C专利产品公司通过专利或版权拥有的产品。" f2 o: ?' A! f2 e3 B$ _
LicensingGranting use of a patented or copyrighted product for a fee.
# \+ v% C8 v( r5 @- |! R0 r( t; u  g授权收取一定费用,授权使用专利或版权产品。
, t' b# Y3 v; _5 e0 r2 p9 G RoyaltyA share paid to an inventor or the holder of a proprietary right from the sale of their invention or services.
1 z  P1 {$ `" f6 v; W/ n# y版税投资者或专利产品所有人所抽取的销售其发明或服务的一定比例收入。
  l& J$ s' f0 p( A6 e' o. t Value-added ServiceA service provided in connection with the sale of a product that increases the value or price of the product.
0 {" v8 I' Z1 k) u3 [' ~) k增值服务与产品销售有关,能提高产品的价值或价格的服务。

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