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[其他] 2011年笔译考试常用翻译技巧——汉译英的八戒

发表于 2012-8-16 09:14:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
, a4 n6 s) V! f' K$ i. Z% v7 _      一、戒“从一而终”
9 u0 e) I- {, n- B' k  汉语言简意赅,句子灵活,往往是一个汉语词汇对应N个英语词汇,具体到在本句中应该采用哪个意项,务必抓住精神实质,不可以不变应万变。至于怎么应变,这就是显示译者功力的地方了。比如:都是“问题”,下面的翻译各不相同。
( C/ H) n0 u: F* o* f  共同关心的问题questions of common interest
9 v, q. t% B  t& L0 v: R# L. Z  解决问题solve a problem 5 l4 S5 Z% k: z. z9 h% g, }2 r& ?
  问题的关键the heart of the matter , O3 R; v$ I, X0 r
  关键问题a key problem $ g8 s0 F7 c- T4 L. V
  原则问题a question/matter of principle
; }% Q; V% V5 e' C5 B9 ~) {  没有什么问题without any mishap
& H6 `+ ]- t# p" Z9 `8 {# q" R  摩托车有点问题Something is wrong with the motorcycle. " o+ M3 ]4 }  G' ]% g' _2 A. k' G9 N
  问题不在这里That is not the point. 7 Q8 {" e# W4 U0 x
  译者要掌握这种汉英翻译中的“游击战术”,翻译家应是不同“文化王国”边境线上的“游击战略家”。 2 _0 k+ S3 N- W4 W# @  u  C
  沙博里将《水浒传》译为:Outlaws of the Marsh(沼泽地上的亡命之徒),杨宪益译将屈原的《国殇》译为:For Those Fallen for Their Country,北外出版社将《儒林外史》译为:The Scholars。这些都是译者吃透了原文的原意而译出的佳作。 ( B& R4 ]; [  |$ R) v! w
  二、戒望文生义,机械直译' {( q' z* U& b0 }
  这多半是初学者犯的毛病,他们易于被表面现象所迷惑。1 v4 D- n" d" G
  黄牛(yellow cow——ox前误后正,下同) 0 n4 E6 i- N3 a% C4 \
  黄鹂(yellow bird ——oriole) ; s" `, {* G+ b) H& A  z
  黄瓜( yellow melon——cucumber) 6 ^/ C! `2 @5 B7 G0 M5 S
  紫菜(purple vegetable ——laver)
% J. m. m" }, l  a) l; V+ n& Y  红木(red wood——padauk)
/ B; f; \0 q: I0 S# V  U  红豆杉(red fir——Chinese yew)
' l% K  a1 o6 G% [- P. `2 |  黑社会(black society ——sinistergang) , i5 _. e3 U; \; s! O8 s
% C% I) A. w7 V" x4 q$ n0 ^1 [  这的确是难度系数较大的问题,它要求译者既有较高的中文修养,又要有较高的英文造诣,一知半解的人常常在此“翻车”。如:- \' ^! e) ~3 z3 o3 V7 x
& U' G% L0 b* j. [0 _  And tossed the pen on the table. He intoned the verses to himself, then downed a few more cups of wine. He was very dunk. Song-Jiang asked for the bill, paid, and told the waiter to keep the change. (沙博里译《水浒传·浔阳楼宋江吟反诗》)
. n+ B+ d* g& Q% S+ {  目前,《水浒传》最好的英译本要数沙博里先生的本子了。沙博里出生在美国,青年时来到中国,一住就是半个多世纪。为了译好《水浒传》,据说他潜心研究了山东的地方志和旧时方言,可谓精诚所致,译著既“达”又“雅”。然而历史告诉我们,中国古人没有用过钢笔,宋朝时用的还是毛笔,故the pen 应改为the writing-brush。
3 i0 @2 }8 A- s0 {5 P% Z5 h4 l  下面的译文就较好地照顾到了西方人的思维和理解习惯: 8 D3 G2 Z1 D0 w! s
  美国把贸易和扯在一起,只会损害两国的经济利益。 ' ]) }' V# i6 M) f
  The US policy of linking trade with human rights can only bring harm to the economic interests of the two countries. . `: ~6 L/ w5 k9 R4 E, r
  关起门来搞建设是不成的,中国的发展离不开世界。   w/ H2 ]6 o  x; N
  China can't develop in isolation from the rest of the world. + d* `% N; K2 `8 V8 n7 q  l; [, V6 X
  k5 H: U: W8 s- L$ b$ A5 f  主语是句子的灵魂,定住译文的主语是关键的一步棋。主语定偏了,整个句子将显得松散乏力,甚至会误导读者。例如:
- {$ p0 t4 o; l% w# A* W  如果这个问题不解决,势必影响两国的利益。 2 B0 X+ V6 H- |  G- ]+ h3 R1 H- x
  Failure to settle this issue is bound to impair the relations between the two countries seriously.
( [" y. i; m% h* u7 f: ^& Y8 d  If the problem is not solved, it is sure to affect the interests between the two countries.
+ q# ~8 O; @- d  在上面的两种译文中,显然第一种译文主语选得好,句子流畅。又如: ; p" L. L1 X$ `
( X) A$ [* p- k. |5 n: g3 f  On the Hawaiian sandy beach, the coconut palms are whirling, the congenialsea breeze is blowing, and a young lady is lying in the white plastic chair resting to restore energy.
" V% d* S2 Y8 Z( |% A# J! @  因为是轻松读本,又是描述性的文字,使用三个主语the coconut palms、the congenial sea breeze、a young lady仍是可取的。 # L8 m% J% O! `, Q* l
  五、戒结构单调,组合生硬“拉郎配”, \0 @9 g, }) l% q. A. h
5 a! c% Y7 f' f0 u8 S$ Z0 W  在纪念大学毕业20周年聚会时,我忽然问起原来的班主任:“我个子又不矮,怎么把我安排在了第一排呢?”
( g% i- D9 `5 @! K' K- ]6 j  At the reunion party for 20 anniversary of graduation from university, I suddenly asked my former teacher in charge of our class then:” Since I am not of short stature, how did you arrange me at the first row?” ( T, C$ y0 W0 U- w; O
  一个高度近视的女博士去擦鞋店擦高统靴,秃头老板亲自蹲下来给她效劳。 2 T1 U* Q5 k4 Y' ^" x" I$ v9 o
  When a woman doctor who suffers a severe myopicwent to shoes-polishing shop for her buskins,the bald boss squatted down to serve her personally. 7 s% A8 }& ]7 u8 x7 X% L
  六、戒“愚忠”,不谙增减之道% c$ T) a$ V* w1 d' ^+ E; B' m
  我们耳熟能详的东西外国人可能会感到一头雾水,译者需要增加必要的说明和补充或者减译。否则,外国人会不知所云。毕竟,汉译英最终是给外国人看的。 1 e! _  F0 T9 n$ C; F9 g
. @/ N' i; {' s6 O- L8 A; g  fengshui——the location of a house or tomb, supposed to have an influence on the fortune of a family.
7 p; }, w, v' C8 S  七、戒语句重复  y6 @4 K9 Q; F; ^$ u! H( ~1 X
  汉语多重复,以强化语气;英语则要尽量避免重复。' b9 i' D7 i. D1 s0 l
$ E2 E* ?9 W  g5 \4 f2 l  “The bird may not have flown yet”, replied the King, “Once it does, it will soar to the sky. I may not have cried out yet, but once it does, it will startle everyone.”(杨宪益译《史记-滑稽列传》) * h6 D: x3 c9 t( o# W) [; z* T2 A
( v9 K1 Z/ n  X7 @: g: l  What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong, no matter what it concerns, the Chinese or foreigners, the dead or the living. : y/ c5 d, j! E5 e( }
  八、戒另起炉灶,走失精气神; D' [* W* H3 F& I* B! j% T
) Y8 u+ s; I/ [  c- K; s  例如,元朝人王实甫写下了《西厢记》,张雪静改编后并作了翻译—— . Y6 p  d9 l! Z' {9 K3 i
  掏出张生那封信,回头环视见梳妆台上的梳妆盒,眼睛一转,心里说有了,将信放了进去,合上盖时故意压了一角露在外面。 9 }$ e, u9 G8 n- S5 n- a
  Rose took out Zhang's letter, she thought, “It would be better to put it in her make-up case, and letter find it herself.” So she put the letter in the case, leaving a corner of it sticking out, so that it would be quickly noticed. www.examw.com* C( H3 T5 C( Q! L! c7 ~
, I" u9 l" d4 Y/ O  G  j/ k' u7 d  你已经死在过深的怨愤里了吗? ' u5 H% V% c$ v) h8 o
  死?不,不,我还活着—— 9 W7 G# r( t9 m1 n4 ~3 q/ a
8 |! @# p2 u. B  Have you perished in this deep rancor and bitterness?
, I6 g) h' u' J! }% M( f  Death? No, no. I'm still alive. # e2 J9 U" K; ~% E2 {8 P% A
  Please give me a light, give me a light!

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