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[笔译中级] 中级笔译:十秒钟翻译训练(31)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Friendship is unconditional and uncritical, based only on mutual respect and the ability to enjoy each other’ s company. These authority figures never saw the way one of us could do something outrageous, and the rest of us would joke about it , p# ?3 |0 m& J7 G
for days. We could have fun doing absolutely nothing at all—because the company we provided each other with was enough. 我相信将来会事业有成,因为我乐意和各种人一起工作。 ) a+ q, U3 T% |/ g7 y+ k. F% C
9 K/ _; `% g6 ~- v4 m5 @  unconditional adj. 无条件的; 0 a* l( f9 m# o5 e; h: n- W! U
  mutual adj. 相互的; & H1 g" b" n: M8 \
  答案: 5 q' f/ }, N3 a' [' q
  I will be a successul adult in the future because I am willing to work with everyone.
; O1 S$ i; v7 C! u3 M1 ^9 @8 f  本句节选自《Friendship》
; Q/ Q- s8 r0 J) \; `  总结:
: v- R5 g( X$ z  登出一些较好翻译供大家互相学习 * H6 l. s1 A  |" K9 ^$ B
  1. Rachel_y I believe i will be successful in the future,because i am willing to work with all sorts of people. 7 Y. n1 S' o7 e4 x7 A; |
  2. 拧发条鸟 I believe that my career will be successful, because i enjoy working with various people. 5 P4 ]7 ^1 I( o7 g' R3 x7 c
  3. 雾花仙娜 I’m sure that I can succeed in my career because I’m pleased to work with sorts of people. * o( I1 n" c. e( a1 }+ a. Z- P& f* l
  4. summerrtea I believe I will achieve success in my carrer because I am glad to work with all kinds of people.

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