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[笔译中级] 2010年中级笔译考试笔记第5讲:工作,机会和运气

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.前途远大 have the world before one   你们的前途都很远大,但仍需努力工作
& H' `9 ]# h' r; K3 w/ `' U  You all have the world before you .But you’ll still need to work hard.% x* N4 K" P! q3 _
  2.好险 a narrow squeak
* x! _1 C) {' s* A0 P3 l  昨晚好险哪。老板同一个女职员在办公室里动手动脚的,差点让他的妻子给撞上了。
1 I- h  X( L* ~  The boss had a narrow squeak last night in his office: his spooning with a girl clerk was almost found our by his wife.9 H$ b& X% a7 _' W  G2 b' k5 m
  3.手气好 have the Midas touch
( v) n% A/ D, Z& p  王先生的手气特别好,干什么都挣钱。
( Y6 o5 E- y2 n! N5 W; C  Mr. Wang has the Midas touch: everything he does turns to gold.
: p8 m0 g8 @! @  e$ J2 l  T& s  (此语源自希腊神话。据说神给一个叫Midas的人一种特殊的力量,任何东西只要被他的手一碰就会变成黄金.后来,Midas touch便用来喻指“有发财的运气或技能”了)' m: ?! u" D" h
  4.走运be on the gravy train
( I: |+ s/ S4 n1 b% i) G+ H4 X& I  这几年他一直很走运8 Z- p) u% R) x9 L, C  ?5 u- `
  He’s been on the gravy train these years.
$ ?: r4 ~% p/ Z+ `% g  5.让人给骗了be ripped off
7 E) z, e  a  F- V% o& k" ^6 M/ V: J  我又被那个家伙给骗了
9 I% W) V( \3 i$ w9 p' w  I was ripped off again by that guy.
- t1 w6 d, G5 y4 i. `8 b! f  6.不入虎穴焉得虎子 Nothing venture ,nothing have.
. g9 x3 v  @+ k  7.白费力气plough the air.$ E' V% a5 p+ R' x' H
  你再劝他也只是白费力气' s3 g5 `3 U# y4 v
  Any attempt tot let him change will only be ploughing the air.
+ s) V% k' g/ Y; }& O5 }  8.命好lead a charmed life* ]8 C( M! T4 H$ A& M
  他的命真好。爸爸是政府高级官员,妈妈是公司的总经理,自己通过了托福考试并获得美国一所大学的奖学金。& ]; I* G/ T: ~9 @1 \6 i! Y4 ]
  His father is a senior government official, his mother is the general manager of a large company and he himself had passed the TOFEL test and got a scholarship from an American university. He must have been leading a charmful life!
, O2 B+ u: _" O% O/ f) ^  9.倒霉get in the neck
0 w; _$ A) Q% z' N# A  K  在家里,如果孩子们打架被父母发现了,倒霉的总是年龄大的孩子。
# F0 q  J9 `* N) I7 [  In the family, if the kicks-up are found out by the parents , it’s always the oldest of the children who’ll get in the neck.% x& \! b. p  r' H8 ^
  10.背黑锅hold the bag% `- ^3 \' \# L) R( L
  在任何的情况下,我从没有让任何人为我背黑锅0 V) ^" O' S( u% ]' w1 e
  Under no circumstances have I made anyone hold the bag for me.
' ?5 `6 j5 z$ ]5 t' \  11. 有利可图的事an angle
1 B/ b5 ^9 W; H( S; L: P5 a  无利可图的事,那家伙是从来不会干的9 a* S' @4 f* U5 b
  That guy never does anything unless there’s an angle in it.; ~5 w! H4 H2 q8 S' S
  12.吃苦头burn one’s fingers1 A- P- S: p6 _; X
; `: f8 K, C3 v( E& u  I burned my fingers in helping that guy before.
2 P  d* B% p: }3 x: h4 ?  13.被开除be sacked
. b+ p( o+ e  R3 G; K5 {6 N  他因为玩忽职守被开除了
- ~* ]. w0 @6 Q% x  He got sacked for falling asleep at the switch.) b, }0 s3 y. ^1 w0 g
  14.因祸得福a blessing in disguise
0 p# @% S* v" c1 @9 t9 R( u: X$ p  他遭遇车祸反而因祸得福了:住院时和一个漂亮的护士相爱了
) ^, a% f* T2 O/ u# c2 C. B- M  He had an accident and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise: a pretty nurse fell in lover with him during his stay in the hospital.) c6 m/ n) w0 |: U) {: l
  15.一举成名be vaulted to fame  ~+ ~7 u* K; X3 P5 V1 k
# [5 v4 A& T, `7 s% w  Lao Zhang was vaulted to fame, a classic example of overnight success.- r  O/ _- w, i
  16.千载难逢 once in a blue moon) \* K, k2 |& |. D& a; b; p
# b  i: q- C  i2 ?& }5 P  This is a chance once in a blue moon.! ^9 P0 {0 k$ i( J2 Y& t  m
  17.十拿九稳it’s dollar to buttons5 [9 q% S! V! y
  他肯定能通过这次的考试,这是十拿九稳的了% i' F& ^! \+ O: E
  I bet he will pass the exam. Its dollars to buttons.
- ?! }  M( `+ R0 _& J6 _6 k  18.没门!No way!

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:21 | 显示全部楼层


19.好日子不多了one’s days are numbered   他意识到自己好日子没几天了,不禁感到一阵凄凉和恐慌。6 ^9 g, q; `) ~& ~7 H/ Y
  He felt a rush of chilled feeling of anxiety when he realized that his days were numbered.5 f: P4 \4 y3 M% y
  20.有点玄乎 a bit iffy! a5 f* ]3 F( Y5 z& O) [
) M- J7 r. Q6 v8 \6 }  As far as I can see, their success is a bit iffy.( t; N: J0 m8 Z, R8 h# m& M3 u6 o$ S
  21.走上坡路be on the up grade
. @( t5 W2 D) c4 _  走上坡路比走下坡路要难得多( C, A: D, h9 X
  It’s much more difficult to be on the up grade than on the down grade.
9 e) S5 h+ Y; w4 y3 a% k- y  22.受某人恩宠be in somebody’s grace4 d# ?" w. z3 I" u9 W. W
  他们家的孩子都很受人恩宠: _8 w1 C0 e# L! w& E$ Y
  Every child in his family is in good graces of other people.
% G/ ~" E5 [+ Y$ {7 j) R9 s  23.开门红get off to a flying start
- ~$ e; ^2 E0 g! N6 h. Q  我们公司一成立就来了个开门红:在开业后的第一周就得到了三笔大宗订单) L3 ^: {7 ?/ Q0 E
  Our company got off to a flying start when it opened to business: we got three big orders during the first week of opening.
$ L8 _6 [; t: c( A  24.跟白给的一样便宜 be a steal/be for a song
* x8 F0 ?. L; S1 ^/ z1 X# {& N! Z2 l  这部车他只花了300美元,跟白拣的一样。1 ~- F9 F7 H! R
  He spent only 300 dollars in the car, which was simply a steal.
. w' t* \7 Q+ \( [' S  25.坐失良机miss the boat
6 ^) ?  h: r! C, s$ Q  他说他为错过那样好的机会而感到非常遗憾1 s7 o0 k# X" I3 H1 Y
  He said that he was very much regretted about having missed the boat.! U" ?: ]3 T. r
  26.一帆风顺pan out
: l* n$ X$ @, N( _5 L* b4 F% I  你不能期望事情总是一帆风顺的呀!% `4 H- p4 C  I4 ^+ K
  You can’t always expect things to pan out each time, can you?/ T  T. @  L5 t# L" d
  27.碰钉子get the cheese
$ m' o# ?: }, X( D  X  他没想到在那个公司会碰钉子' S( |( J. N. ~8 n" V: w+ `9 n
  He didn’t expect to get the cheese in that company.. o) x/ ?) N/ Q5 K+ \+ \* G
  28.在火葬场工作work as a funeral furnisher- G" ^' j! R# f$ N
  老李已经在火葬场工作了二十多年了: |# @4 m9 @7 K+ S( z" G4 y
  Lao Li’s been working as a funeral furnisher for more than 20 years.7 B  i: J, p# ^( |+ F- x) x% t
  29.吊儿郎当play around
) z/ e( h# }: P" v' [; E7 q# Z5 E  我可不喜欢让我的孩子整天吊儿郎当的,一点正经事都不干。
9 r  ]; N, M  M! j  I don’t want my children to play around all day and do nothing useful.9 i  @% n% C9 S8 P# g1 X3 @+ d1 A
  30.棘手的问题a ticklish question- |* n; E7 v: ?5 k) a! d
  面对那些棘手的问题他也显得束手无策了。) o' A3 w$ n6 P5 T) X$ F& \
  He seemed to be at his wits end before those ticklish questions.# A$ l: S- ^! D0 h
  31.难办的事sticky business  E, h# N/ L+ E% a/ v0 Q
  他发现这件事特别难办,同意不好,不同意也不好2 Q% t1 F6 |. h3 U; ?
  He found it a sticky business: he could neither agree nor disagree.1 [% Q2 v3 e, f3 e& W( ?
  32.稳扎稳打play for safety8 C5 D2 v/ d1 [( e! B
  在这种情况下,我们应该稳扎稳打,切勿操之过急  Q4 B/ D; d) s$ T
  Under such circumstances we should play for safety against making haste.+ X1 I6 j! U' X' N) k8 }
  33.干苦差事hold the baby; _9 v- I; A& r) v, ]( a
( {4 c0 @' X# n( {, D  Q, v  Why should I be left holding the baby alone?
! e( r  |* a% \% ]) V7 [4 }  34.饭碗儿one’s bread and butter
5 ^) Y/ A- ~- q/ a. U: h  我不能放弃教书,那是我的饭碗
+ `6 N% z& j; }$ N. ~  I can’t give up teaching, for it’s my bread and butter.8 b; k3 k* n0 y7 F
  35.忙得不可开交 have one’s hands full+ w7 l5 E- L6 `1 I8 {
  王燕白天上班,下班后还要照顾家里,简直是忙得不可开交。9 J3 X' E5 M8 _& V9 Y% m
  Wang Yan has her hands full with working full time during the day and taking care of the family the rest of the time.
9 \2 j4 G  b+ x/ b# @8 {% R5 H  36.没那回事 nothing of the sort!
6 H3 S5 |8 N! E5 r% L/ d; O  别听他们胡说八道,根本就没那回事。) M: j" J7 T) }6 E
  Don’t be fooled by their babbling. Nothing of the sort!
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