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[笔译中级] 2011年翻译资格考试英汉互译练习(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:27:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
汉译英" {9 U% `2 h& m' r4 q7 L2 g
  1995年10月,黄浦江上又一座大桥凌空飞架,将浦南与奉贤连接起来,成为继徐浦、南浦、杨浦三座大桥之后建成通车的第四座大桥——奉浦大桥。6 G& x1 \/ U3 P! Q* q. ?3 H
! B  R- s5 t& E5 |7 C  金秋10月的黄浦江畔,徐浦、南浦、杨捕、奉浦四座大桥沐浴着金秋阳光,各显神姿,交相辉映,为上海这座充满生机与魅力的国际大都市增添了更加夺目的风采。不久的将来,上海还将建造更多的过江设施,把浦江两岸更紧密地连结在一起。/ F) @" T5 U( y* ~. a- O
  【参考译文】% F: l8 C' v( K
  In October 1995, another bridge flew to span the Huangpu River, connecting Punan with Fengxian. It is Fengpu Bridge, the fourth bridge over the river open to traffic after the Xupu, Nanpu and Yangpu Bridge.Completed in 19 months, Fengpu Bridge is the first locally financed bridge over the river, with the funds of 446 million yuan raised by Fengxian County and departments and enterprises concerned in the municipal government. The completion of the bridge has solved the chronic problem of crossing the Huangpu River that bothered the residents in Fengxian and Punan and also improved the investment environment, which lays (thus laying) a solid foundation for the construction and development on the north bank of the Hangzhou Bay.( B" H8 F2 Z7 c- q) Y
  In the golder autumn of October, the Xupu, Nanpu, Yangpu.and Fengpu Bridges over the Huangpu River, bathed in the golden sunshine, show the disyinctive features and enhance each other’s magnificance, adding (which adds) more luster to Shanghai, a cosmopolis that is full of charm and vitality. In the near future, more cross-river facilities will be built in Shanghai to link closely areas on the two banks of the Huangpu River.

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